
Employers are required to ensure that workplaces do not pose any risk to employed persons. BAuA's research makes an important contribution to determining these requirements and making them applicable at the practical level.

Meeting at a construction site
© Uwe Völkner, Fotoagentur FOX

Workplaces are workspaces or other indoor or outdoor locations that are situated on an organisation’s premises or a building site, are intended for work purposes, and to which employees have access in the course of their duties.

Various other areas also belong to workplaces that are not directly required for work. These include, for example, traffic routes, escape routes, emergency exits, storerooms, machine rooms, and ancillary rooms, as well as sanitary facilities, rest break and standby rooms, first aid rooms, canteens, and accommodation.

Regardless of the actual task or production process and the risks associated with it (e.g. from hazardous substances or the use of equipment), hazards to employees’ safety and health can arise in workplaces, such as stumbling and falls on traffic routes, in particular on stairways, incipient fires, falls from parapets or floor openings, and stress caused by factors in the working environment, such as inappropriate room temperatures, lighting, the amount of space available to move around in, noise. This list of examples illustrates the range of the different hazards encountered in workplaces.

Apart from protection against such hazards, the provision of toilets, washrooms, rooms or areas for rest breaks, first aid rooms, canteens, and other facilities is integral to the human-centred design of workplaces. To ensure workplaces are set up and operated safely and healthily, appropriate protective aims are formulated in the Workplaces Ordinance (Arbeitsstättenverordnung, ArbStättV) for the prevention and/or minimisation of hazards. The concrete ways in which these aims are to be achieved are set out in the Technical Rules for Workplaces (Technische Regeln für Arbeitsstätten, ASRs).

Further Information

Research Projects

Project numberF 2542 StatusOngoing Project Occupational health and safety knowledge for workplace design - Safe and healthy workplaces through innovative planning tools supporting an occupational health and safety-compliant design in the planning and design phase of workplaces through object-oriented and machine-executable transformation of workplace requirements

To the Project

Research ongoing

Project numberF 2527 StatusCompleted Project Indoor air flow, aerosol spread and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 for selected ventilation concepts

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2475 StatusCompleted Project Interactions of indoor climate, noise and lighting in workplaces

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Research completed

Project numberF 2471 StatusCompleted Project Feasibility study of BIM for workplaces
Development of the planning method of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for safety and health in the value chain of construction

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Research completed

Project numberF 2302 StatusCompleted Project Lighting of workplaces: impact of AmI-based lighting systems

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2159 StatusCompleted Project Need-related design and equipment of sanitation facilities at workplaces

To the Project

Research completed


Search results

Light exposure of nurses working night and day shifts in Germany and the UK

Article 2018

To the Publication

Legal opinion on the interaction of workplace law and building law

baua: Report 2018

Politicians and practitioners often discuss the contradictory requirements that surround workplace law (Arbeitsstättenrecht) and …

To the Publication

Daylight-dependent, seasonal patterns in industrial incident data

Article 2017

To the Publication

Just don't stir up any dust - Exposures to dust, smoke, gases and vapours

baua: Facts 2017

Dust is almost everywhere but is often not recognised as a hazard for health. But dust can have severe health consequences. Year …

To the Publication

Recommendations for the detection and evaluation of chemical air pollutants in indoor working areas

Article 2014

To the Publication

Can You Take It? - Physically Hard Work still in the News

Fact Sheet 2014

The BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey in 2006 showed that strenuous physical demands like heavy lifting and carrying can be found not …

To the Publication

Working conditions in the construction sector - heavy physical work persists despite technical progress

Fact Sheet 2014

Employing around 2.5 million people and accounting for almost five per cent of overall gross value added in 2013, the …

To the Publication

Considering training effects in performance tests - the case of the D2-Attention test

Article 2014

To the Publication

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