Working Time

The organisation of working hours is one of the key issues in occupational safety and health. In view of how the world of work is changing, the flexibilisation of working time presents companies and employees with new challenges.

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An important basis for the results arrived at is the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA) Working Time Survey (Arbeitszeitbefragung), a representative panel study. The data gathered provide information on working hours in Germany and are used to address questions about working time and how they relate to other working and employment conditions, well-being, and health.

Cover sheet of the brief report "Recording of Working Times, Temporal Boundarylessness, and Flexibility Options for Employees: Results from the 2023 BAuA Working Time Survey"

The new baua: Report brief on working time recording provides an overview of up-to-date figures relating to this issue.
Results from the 2023 BAuA Working Time Survey reveal a rise in the recording of working times, including for people who work from home offices. The figures also show that, where employers refrain from recording working times, this is increasingly associated with temporal boundarylessness, worse ability to switch off from work, less time flexibility, and employees who are more dissatisfied with their work-life balance.

Flexible working hours, telework, remote and mobile work

  • Forms of work that are flexible in terms of working time and workplace (remote work, mobile work) offer great opportunities for employees and companies. They are also associated with risks, for example with regard to boundaryless work or loss of innovation.
  • These forms of work are subject to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Arbeitsschutzgesetz, ArbSchG) and the Working Hours Act (Arbeitszeitgesetz, ArbZG). Employers are responsible for occupational safety and health, as well as the organisation of working hours in ways that promote good health.
  • However, flexible working is also linked to employees' growing invisibility. Employees increasingly have to plan and organise their work themselves..

Flexible Working Time Patterns
Location-flexible Working

Shorter working times, working time preferences, and the four-day week

  • Many employees normally work five days a week with a contractual weekly working time of about forty hours.
  • Some employees, particularly those in full-time positions, would like to reduce their working times.
  • If working times are redistributed or shortened, it is necessary to avoid long working days. Furthermore, it may be necessary to implement organisational changes.

Shorter Working Times

Working time models

  • There is great potential in the design of flexible working time models, both for companies’ productivity and their employees’ health, satisfaction, and work-life balance.
  • The development and introduction of a working time model is very challenging due to the numerous design parameters, the wide variety of models, and the conflicting goals of employer and employee representatives.
  • Visit our Working Time Models page to learn about the findings and recommendations from working time research. We have simplified the information, making it clear and accessible as we describe different working time models.

Atypical working times, night and shift work

  • Some employees in Germany work at atypical times, for example at weekends, at night, or in shift work patterns. There are many reasons for this. These include, for example, ensuring services are provided for the public (e.g. by the police force), but there may also be technological or economic motives (e.g. at production facilities).
  • Night and shift work place high demands on employees' health and social lives. Due to these risks, the Working Hours Act stipulates that the working hours of employees working at night and in shifts must be determined in accordance with the established scientific findings on the humane organisation of work.
  • Atypical forms of working time such as on-call work, on-call duty, and standby duty can also be highly demanding for employees. Employer-orientated flexibility often leads to a reduced ability to plan and predict working hours, especially if they change at short notice.

Organisation of Night and Shift Work

Atypical Working Time Patterns

Recording of working times

  • The recording of working hours is important for occupational safety and health, making it possible to measure exposure to work-related stress and avoid temporal boundarylessness.
  • According to rulings from the European Court of Justice, employers have to implement a system to record their employees’ daily working times.
  • For employees, the recording of working time allows overtime to be recorded and compensated for with time off. This also opens up opportunities for employees to take more control of their working times, for example under flexitime arrangements.

Recording of Working Times

Risk assessment of working times

  • The framework for the organisation of working hours is defined in the Working Hours Act, but also in the Occupational Safety and Health Act as an issue for risk assessment. The organisation of working time is explicitly mentioned as a factor to be assessed in Section 5 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act .
  • Visit the Risk Assessment of Working Times page or download the Working Time Checklist (German) to assess and evaluate the quality of working time models.
  • Further information will be found on the Risk Assessment page.

Risk Assessment of Working Times

Further Information on Working Time

Research Projects

Project numberF 2580 StatusOngoing Project Working time reporting for Germany: Scientific analyses on working time and workplace flexibility as well as current working time issues

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2551 StatusOngoing Project Current scientific findings on night and shift work: social distribution, well-being and recovery

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2508 StatusOngoing Project Working time reporting for Germany: Implementation of the BAuA-Working Time Surveys 2021, 2023, and 2025

To the Project

Research ongoing

Project numberF 2507 StatusCompleted Project Working time reporting in Germany: Scientific analyses of the BAuA working time survey on current topics

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Research completed

Project numberF 2452 StatusCompleted Project Working time reporting for Germany: Implementation, scientific preparation and utilization of the BAuA-Working Time Survey 2019

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2360 StatusCompleted Project Working time reporting for Germany

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2398 StatusCompleted Project Working time reporting for Germany: Analysis, scientific preparation/utilization and continuation

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 1964 StatusCompleted Project The impact of working in the evening and the early night-hours on young persons

To the Project

Research completed


Search results

Working Time Report Germany: Results of the BAuA-Working Time Survey 2021

baua: Report Editor's recommendation 2023

Working time is not only a key factor for safety and health at work, but also largely determines when and how much time we have …

To the Publication

Search results

Working time report Germany 2016

Article 2016

The complete article "Working time report Germany 2016" is part of the PEROSH Newsletter, Issue 16 (November 2016).

To the Publication

Working Time Report Germany 2016

baua: Report 2016

Working time is an integral part of working life with a direct impact on our private lives. The organization of working time …

To the Publication

Working time flexibility and work-life balance

Article 2021

Based on border theory (Clark 2000), we aim to investigate the relationship between individual-oriented and …

To the Publication

Working non-stop? - A plea for breaks

Fact Sheet 2015

The Stress Report Germany 2012 shows clearly that employed persons are frequently confronted with mental demands. It is …

To the Publication

When reality falls short of preferences: a response surface analysis of working time arrangements and older employees’ work ability expectations

Article 2024

In times of labor shortages and rising regular retirement ages it becomes increasingly important to maintain older employees’ …

To the Publication

Understanding the bright side and the dark side of telework: An empirical analysis of working conditions and psychosomatic health complaints

Article 2021

In the course of digitisation, work away from the principal office using information and communications technology (telework, …

To the Publication

The COVID-19 Working Time Ordinance: Implications for occupational safety and health and insights from an employer survey

Article 2021

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin", …

To the Publication

Shift Work among Men and Women on the Threshold to Higher Working Age - Working Conditions and Health Status

Article 2016

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Das Gesundheitswesen", Volume 78, Issue 11, pp. …

To the Publication

Recording of Working Times, Temporal Boundarylessness, and Flexibility Options for Employees: Results from the 2023 BAuA Working Time Survey

baua: Report brief 2024

Following recent judgements from the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the German Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht, …

To the Publication

Punching in and punching out? Understanding working time recording's role in temporal boundarylessness, working time control and work-life balance

Article 2024

The complete article "Punching in and punching out? Understanding working time recording's role in temporal boundarylessness, …

To the Publication

Permanent availability

Article 2016

The complete article "Permanent availability" is a chapter of the book "50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, …

To the Publication

Night work in the spotlight - frequent stress at work remains a problem

Fact Sheet 2015

The widespread working-time arrangement of shift work, and especially night work, poses a health risk to employees. Although the …

To the Publication

Missed Rest Breaks in Germany - Prevalence and Impacts on Employees’ Recovery, Health, and Satisfaction

baua: Report brief 2024

In Germany, there is a statutory obligation for employees to take rest breaks of at least thirty minutes if their daily working …

To the Publication

Methodological report on the BAuA-Working Time Survey

Report 2024

From April 2023 to November 2023, infas Institute for Applied Social Sciences conducted the fifth wave of the "BAuA-Working Time …

To the Publication

Methodological Report and Questionnaire for the BAuA Working Time Survey 2015

baua: Report 2016

The infas Institute for Applied Social Sciences conducted on behalf of Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health …

To the Publication

Long working hours, socioeconomic status, and the risk of incident type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of published and unpublished data from 222.120 individuals

Article 2015

Background: Working long hours might have adverse health effects, but whether this is true for all socioeconomic status groups …

To the Publication

Long working hours and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published and unpublished data for 603.838 individuals

Article 2015

Background: Long working hours might increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but prospective evidence is scarce, imprecise, …

To the Publication

Long working hours and risk of 50 health conditions and mortality outcomes: a multicohort study in four European countries

Article 2021

Background: Studies on the association between long working hours and health have captured only a narrow range of outcomes …

To the Publication

Long working hours and cancer risk: a multi-cohort study

Article 2016

Background: Working longer than the maximum recommended hours is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, …

To the Publication

Long working hours and alcohol use: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data

Article 2015

Objective: To quantify the association between long working hours and alcohol use.

Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis …

To the Publication

Heavy demands, few resources: working times in nursing and geriatric care

baua: Facts 2021

Nursing and care staff frequently work at night and the weekends, as well as doing above-average amounts of on-call duty. At the …

To the Publication

Essential working hours? Working time patterns among employees in critical infrastructures

Article 2021

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin", …

To the Publication

Data documentation of the Scientific Use File of the BAuA-Working Time Survey 2021

Data documentation 2024

This data documentation describes the Scientific Use File of the BAuA-Working Time Survey 2021, which the Research Data Centre …

To the Publication

Data documentation of the Scientific Use File of the BAuA-Working Time Survey 2019

Data documentation 2021

This data documentation describes the scientific use file of the BAuA working time survey 2019. The Federal Institute for …

To the Publication

Current and cumulative night shift work and subclinical atherosclerosis: results of the Gutenberg Health Study

Article 2016

Purpose: The study examines the association between exposure to current and cumulative night shift work and subclinical …

To the Publication

Current and cumulative night shift work and subclinical atherosclerosis - results of the Gutenberg Health Study

Article 2016

The complete article "Current and cumulative night shift work and subclinical atherosclerosis - results of the Gutenberg Health …

To the Publication

Current and cumulative night shift work and subclinical atherosclerosis - results of the Gutenberg Health Study

Article 2016

To the Publication

Consequences of permanent availability on life-domain-balance and health

baua: Report 2016

Work related permanent availability can be defined as employees' availability for work related tasks or availability of work …

To the Publication

BAuA-Working Time Survey (BAuA-WTS; BAuA-Arbeitszeitbefragung)

Article 2021

The complete article "BAuA-Working Time Survey (BAuA-WTS; BAuA-Arbeitszeitbefragung)" can be downloaded at the website of the "

To the Publication

Atypical working time

Article 2016

The complete article "Atypical working time" is a chapter of the book "50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, …

To the Publication

results per page:

Web Documentation "Arbeitszeiten der Zukunft – flexibel um jeden Preis?"