Work Organisation

The world of work is evolving and companies are changing with it. They also have a duty to put suitable forms of occupational safety and health (OSH) provision in place for their employees.

A man looks at planning documents on the screen.
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Human-centred working conditions depend partly on the right organisational arrangements being made in the workplace. Executives and managers in particular play a key role in this respect. At the same time, they are also affected by the changes taking place.

The human-centred design of work is particularly challenging when a job involves a variety of physical and mental demands, such as  in inpatient and outpatient nursing, where the close connection between OSH provision and organisations’ success becomes clear. Only if working conditions are attractive for employees will it be possible to attract enough people to the care professions in future.

Flexible forms of employment such as temporary work, fixed-term contracts and solo self-employment are becoming increasingly important. Mobile working using information and communication technologies outside the premises of an organisation or workplace has also become widespread. This makes it all the more important to recognise the opportunities and risks of these forms of employment and work for people’s health and to take them into account when designing workplaces.

Research Projects

Project numberF 2454 StatusCompleted Project Health-promoting interventions for workers and teams with location- and time-flexible work designs

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Research completed

Project numberF 2455 StatusCompleted Project Cognitive Ergonomics of using ICT for Mobile Knowledge Work in public transportation

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Research completed

Project numberF 2519 StatusCompleted Project Working from home and mobile working: Ensuring safety and health holistically

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Research completed

Project numberF 2555 StatusOngoing Project Hybrid, location-flexible, multi-local working? Science in dialogue

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2253 StatusCompleted Project Development and testing of an evaluation tool for ward management for work organization of hospital wards

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Research completed

Project numberF 2464 StatusOngoing Project Exemplary testing of the manual-based implementation of "good work organisation" in a rehabilitation centre

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2521 StatusOngoing Project Good work organisation in home care: Investigation of work stressors and strain

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2541 StatusOngoing Project Interventions focusing on work organisation as a part of pandemic management in inpatient care services

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2340 StatusCompleted Project Development and piloting of training tools for middle managers and employee representatives to support successful restructuring

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Research completed

Project numberF 2353 StatusCompleted Project Mental health in the working world - determining the current state of scientific evidence

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Research completed

Project numberF 2372 StatusCompleted Project Learning-relevant characteristics of work design in the service-sector: The role of leadership

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Research completed

Project numberF 2305 StatusCompleted Project Restructuring in companies in terms of quality and size - a review

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Research completed

Project numberF 2504 StatusCompleted Project Leadership and Management

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Research completed

Project numberF 2436 StatusCompleted Project Leadership and organisation in the changing world

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Research completed

Project numberF 2549 StatusCompleted Project Leader and employee well-being in organisational change

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Research completed

Project numberF 2371 StatusCompleted Project Demands and resources of self-employment without personnel and multiple job holding

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Research completed

Project numberF 2532 StatusCompleted Project European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER)

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Research completed

Project numberF 2505 StatusCompleted Project Technical and organisational occupational safety

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Research completed


Search results

(In)equality at the workplace? Differences in occupational safety and health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and related employee health

Article 2023

The complete article "(In)equality at the workplace? Differences in occupational safety and health measures during the COVID-19 …

To the Publication

A context-specific analysis of ethical principles relevant for AI-assisted decision-making in health care

Article 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies may exert a profound impact on social structures and practices in care …

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A diary study on shared leadership, team work engagement, and goal attainment

Article 2022

Theory of shared leadership has suggested that this informal source of team leadership is highly dynamic and changes over time. …

To the Publication

Analysis of ergonomic workplace characteristics in coworking spaces

Article 2022

Background: With the ongoing digitization new ways of work - such as coworking spaces - are gaining importance. In coworking …

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Assessment of the Light Exposures of Shift-working Nurses in London and Dortmund in Relation to Recommendations for Sleep and Circadian Health

Article 2022

Shift work causes disruption to circadian physiological processes in the human body, and desynchronization from the natural …

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Comparing Web-Based and Blended Training for Coping With Challenges of Flexible Work Designs: Randomized Controlled Trial

Article 2023

Background: Workers with flexible work designs (FWDs) face specific challenges, such as difficulties in detaching from work, …

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Developing prevention cultures together: a workshop

baua: Guidance 2022

Organisational culture is of central importance to how people interact with one another in companies. It is also vital to their …

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Does Working from Home Improve the Temporal Alignment of Work and Private Life? Differences Between Telework and Informal Overtime at Home by Gender and Family Responsibilities

Article 2023

The complete article "Does Working from Home Improve the Temporal Alignment of Work and Private Life? Differences Between …

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Experiences of Stigmatization Among Professional Caregivers in the Context of COVID-19 - a Qualitative Study

Article 2022

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Das Gesundheitswesen", Volume 84, Issue 4, pp. …

To the Publication

Exploring systematic and unsystematic change of dynamic leader behaviours: a weekly diary study on the relation between instrumental leadership, stress, and health change

Article 2022

The complete article "Exploring systematic and unsystematic change of dynamic leader behaviours: a weekly diary study on the …

To the Publication

Followership styles scrutinized: temporal consistency and relationships with job attitudes and self-efficacy

Article 2023

While followership has been repeatedly acknowledged as an important part of leadership, key questions are still awaiting …

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How does telework modify informal workplace learning and how can supervisors provide support?

Article 2023

In our conceptional contribution to the journal “Group. Interaction. Organization.” (GIO), we analyze how telework affects …

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In what ways does age-differentiated leadership influence employee health?

Article 2023

According to Wegge et al. (2014), leadership behavior can affect employee health in several ways. The model describes leaders …

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Individual and work-related challenges of nursing personnel in inpatient care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany

Article 2023

Nursing personnel are among the largest and most heavily burdened professional groups in Germany, even before the coronavirus …

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Job demands and resources as drivers of exhaustion and leaving intentions: a prospective analysis with geriatric nurses

Article 2023

Background: Nurses show a high prevalence of exhaustion and increased leaving intentions. With this study, we integrate …

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Leaders' mental health in times of crisis: work intensification, emotional demands and the moderating role of organizational support and self-efficacy

Article 2023

This article focuses on leaders' specific demands in times of crisis and the role of personal and organizational resources …

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Leadership in the Focus of Interest - Special Requirements for the Practice of Leadership and Recommendations for Risk Assessment of Psychosocial Stress

Article 2023

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin", …

To the Publication

Nurses' emotional exhaustion: Prevalence, psychosocial risk factors and association to sick leave depending on care setting - A quantitative secondary analysis

Article 2023

Aims: To explore differences in the prevalence, psychosocial risk factors and the connection to annual sick leave of nurses' …

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Nurses' rest breaks and organizational leaving intentions

Article 2022

The complete article "Nurses' rest breaks and organizational leaving intentions" can be downloaded at the website of the Journal …

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Occupational safety "piggybacked" - an alternative concept for addressing companies on occupational health and safety, Part I: Theoretical foundation

Article 2023

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin", …

To the Publication

Occupational safety "piggybacked" - an alternative concept for addressing companies on occupational health and safety, Part II: Implementation in a measure for small businesses

Article 2023

The complete article "Occupational safety "piggybacked" - an alternative concept for addressing companies on occupational health …

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On the destructiveness of laissez-faire versus abusive supervision: a comparative, multilevel investigation of destructive forms of leadership

Article 2022

Different forms of destructive leadership are prevalent in organizations, but rarely studied together. Additionally, most …

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Potential influences of AI-assisted decision-making on the actualization of ethical principles in care: results of a qualitative study

Article 2023

The complete article "Potential influences of AI-assisted decision-making on the actualization of ethical principles in care: …

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Predictors and consequences of moral distress in home-care nursing: A cross-sectional survey

Article 2023

Background: Nurses frequently face situations in their daily practice that are ethically difficult to handle and can lead to …

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Remote work in public long-distance trains

Article 2023

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin", …

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Safety, health and culture of prevention in logistics supply chains

Report 2022

This research report reviews the literature on factors influencing the emergence of a culture of prevention and occupational …

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Small Enterprises and Microenterprises - Supported, Trained, Digitalised?

baua: Report brief 2023

Analyses of the German sample for the 2019 ESENER-3 survey reveal that trained company managers make more frequent use of …

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Support and recognition by supervisors - Important factors for the well-being of employees

baua: Facts 2022

Supervisors play a central role in the experience and actions of employees. In the BAuA project "Mental Health in the World of …

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The FlexAbility Self-Learning Training

baua: Guidance 2023

The world of work is characterized by constant change. Even before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there was a trend that many working …

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The FlexAbility Self-Learning Training. Organize work that is flexible in terms of location and time in a healthy manner

baua: Guidance 2023

The world of work is characterized by constant change. Even before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there was a trend that many working …

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