Work Organisation

The world of work is evolving and companies are changing with it. They also have a duty to put suitable forms of occupational safety and health (OSH) provision in place for their employees.

A man looks at planning documents on the screen.
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Human-centred working conditions depend partly on the right organisational arrangements being made in the workplace. Executives and managers in particular play a key role in this respect. At the same time, they are also affected by the changes taking place.

The human-centred design of work is particularly challenging when a job involves a variety of physical and mental demands, such as  in inpatient and outpatient nursing, where the close connection between OSH provision and organisations’ success becomes clear. Only if working conditions are attractive for employees will it be possible to attract enough people to the care professions in future.

Flexible forms of employment such as temporary work, fixed-term contracts and solo self-employment are becoming increasingly important. Mobile working using information and communication technologies outside the premises of an organisation or workplace has also become widespread. This makes it all the more important to recognise the opportunities and risks of these forms of employment and work for people’s health and to take them into account when designing workplaces.

Research Projects

Project numberF 2454 StatusCompleted Project Health-promoting interventions for workers and teams with location- and time-flexible work designs

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Research completed

Project numberF 2455 StatusCompleted Project Cognitive Ergonomics of using ICT for Mobile Knowledge Work in public transportation

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Research completed

Project numberF 2519 StatusCompleted Project Working from home and mobile working: Ensuring safety and health holistically

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Research completed

Project numberF 2555 StatusOngoing Project Hybrid, location-flexible, multi-local working? Science in dialogue

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2253 StatusCompleted Project Development and testing of an evaluation tool for ward management for work organization of hospital wards

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Research completed

Project numberF 2464 StatusOngoing Project Exemplary testing of the manual-based implementation of "good work organisation" in a rehabilitation centre

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2521 StatusOngoing Project Good work organisation in home care: Investigation of work stressors and strain

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2541 StatusOngoing Project Interventions focusing on work organisation as a part of pandemic management in inpatient care services

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2340 StatusCompleted Project Development and piloting of training tools for middle managers and employee representatives to support successful restructuring

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Research completed

Project numberF 2353 StatusCompleted Project Mental health in the working world - determining the current state of scientific evidence

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Research completed

Project numberF 2372 StatusCompleted Project Learning-relevant characteristics of work design in the service-sector: The role of leadership

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Research completed

Project numberF 2305 StatusCompleted Project Restructuring in companies in terms of quality and size - a review

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Research completed

Project numberF 2504 StatusCompleted Project Leadership and Management

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Research completed

Project numberF 2436 StatusCompleted Project Leadership and organisation in the changing world

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Research completed

Project numberF 2549 StatusCompleted Project Leader and employee well-being in organisational change

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Research completed

Project numberF 2371 StatusCompleted Project Demands and resources of self-employment without personnel and multiple job holding

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Research completed

Project numberF 2532 StatusCompleted Project European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER)

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2505 StatusCompleted Project Technical and organisational occupational safety

To the Project

Research completed


Search results

When Dark Leadership Exacerbates the Effects of Restructuring

Article 2018

The complete article "When Dark Leadership Exacerbates the Effects of Restructuring" can be downloaded at the website of the …

To the Publication

Executive coaching during organisational change: a qualitative study of executives and coaches perspectives

Article 2018

The complete article "Executive coaching during organisational change: a qualitative study of executives and coaches perspectives"

To the Publication

Working situation of nurses in specialised palliative care in Rhineland-Palatinate

Article 2018

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin", …

To the Publication

Participatory redesign of work organisation in hospital nursing: A study of the implementation process

Article 2018

The complete article "Participatory redesign of work organisation in hospital nursing: A study of the implementation process"

To the Publication

Stress Factors of Nurses Working in Specialized Palliative Care - Results of a Qualitative Study

Article 2018

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin" (2018): "Stress …

To the Publication

Leadership and psychological health

Article 2018

Objective: Based on recent research literature, the associations between leadership behaviour and the psychological health of …

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Atypical employment and mental health

Article 2018

Atypical employment such as part-time work, fixed-term employment and temporary agency work is a growing global phenomenon due …

To the Publication

Promoting learning in clerical work - a task for teamleaders?

Article 2018

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Fachzeitschrift ARBEIT, Zeitschrift für …

To the Publication

Light exposure of nurses working night and day shifts in Germany and the UK

Article 2018

To the Publication

Understaffing and registered nurses' turnover: The moderating role of regular rest breaks

Article 2017

The complete article can be purchased at the website of the "German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für …

To the Publication

Leadership, followers' mental health and job performance in organizations: A comprehensive meta-analysis from an occupational health perspective

Article 2017

The complete article "Leadership, followers' mental health and job performance in organizations: A comprehensive meta-analysis …

To the Publication

Healthy through restructuring: Leadership behaviour is important

baua: Facts 2020

Restructuring and ongoing changes are an everyday reality in many companies, for example when parts of the company are relocated …

To the Publication

Flexible working - Making use of freedoms, avoiding overload

baua: Guidance 2020

The BAuA brochure exemplifies where the opportunities and risks of flexible working intersect. It does not describe the current …

To the Publication

BAuA-Working Time Survey: Telework in Germany

baua: Report brief 2020

Advancements in information and communication technology enable many employees to carry out their work without a fixed place of …

To the Publication

Antecedents and Outcomes of Nurses' Rest Break Organization

Article 2017

The complete article can be purchased at the website of the "International Journal of Nursing Studies", Volume 75, S. 65-80

To the Publication

The More, the Better?! Multiple vs. Single Jobholders' Job Satisfaction as a Matter of Lacked Information

Article 2017

In recent decades, the working world has changed dramatically and rising demands on flexibility make the coordination of …

To the Publication

Factors Influencing Chronic Back Pain in Care Workers Attending to The Elderly in Germany

Article 2018

Introduction: The present study determined the lifetime prevalence of chronic back pain in care workers attending to the needs …

To the Publication

"To work, or not to work, that is the question" - Recent trends and avenues for research on presenteeism

Article 2020

The complete article "'To work, or not to work, that is the question' - Recent trends and avenues for research on presenteeism"

To the Publication

Antecedents of Health-Promoting Leadership and Workload as Moderator

Article 2020

The complete article "Antecedents of Health-Promoting Leadership and Workload as Moderator" can be downloaded at the website of …

To the Publication

Risks and opportunities of digitisation in the professional fields of nursing, care and healing

Article 2020

Digitisation is increasingly finding its way into the world of work. Although it is unlikely that human work will be replaced by …

To the Publication

Success factors for OSH implementation. Opening the black box of OSH realisation

Article 2020

The complete article "Success factors for OSH implementation. Opening the black box of OSH realisation" can be downloaded at the …

To the Publication

Health and intention to leave the profession of nursing - which individual, social and organisational resources buffer the impact of quantitative demands? A cross-sectional study

Article 2020

Background: The aim of this study was to analyse the buffering effect of individual, social and organisational resources on …

To the Publication

Nurses' attitudes towards occupational transformation processes brought about by digital care technologies

Article 2020

Background: Digital technologies increasingly shape today's world of work. This not only affects sectors such as knowledge work …

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Home-Based Telework and Presenteeism Across Europe

Article 2020

Objective: Flexible work arrangements such as telework are gaining importance. Although telework is accompanied by advantages …

To the Publication

Working time and health care sector employees' well-being

Article 2020

The complete article "Working time and health care sector employees' well-being" is a chapter of the Book of proceedings. 14th …

To the Publication

Working flexible, staying healthy - Development of a resource-oriented web-based training

Article 2020

The complete article "Working flexible, staying healthy - Development of a resource-oriented web-based training" is a chapter of …

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Caught Between Autonomy and Insecurity: A Work-Psychological View on Resources and Strain of Small Business Owners in Germany

Article 2020

While research on personality factors and economic success of entrepreneurs has flourished over the years, studies on their …

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What kind of prevention cultures are prevailing? Typical dialogues on occupational safety and health in German companies

Article 2018

The complete article is a chapter of the book "Prevention of Accidents at Work. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference …

To the Publication

How does leadership influence incident reporting intention in healthcare? A dual process model of leader-member exchange

Article 2018

The complete article "How does leadership influence incident reporting intention in healthcare? A dual process model of …

To the Publication

Organizational change and health. The specific role of job insecurity

Article 2018

The complete article "Organizational change and health. The specific role of job insecurity" is a chapter of the Book …

To the Publication

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