Electrical products

Here you will find information on products that are subject to the European Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU - European Union) and the Low Voltage Regulation (1st ProdSV) as their national implementation.

Electrical products
© Uwe Völkner, Fotoagentur FOX

Electrical products are all objects which are used as a whole or in individual parts to apply electrical energy: for example, for generating, propagating, distributing, storing, measuring, converting and consuming; or the transmission, distribution and processing of information, such as, for example, objects of telecommunication and information technology. Electrical systems are formed by combining electrical products.

Electrical products may be products in the sense of the Product Safety Act as well as work equipment in the sense of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health.

All electrical products can be source of an electrical hazard! The safety of electrical products depends on their quality as well as on the use and maintenance in the proper condition.


Safety of hair dryers

Report 2014

Again and again fatal accidents in connection with the use of hand-held hair dryers are reported in Germany and other countries. Both adults and children are affected. The reason can lie in the hair dryer's unsatisfactory safety level. This expert's report is intended to clarify the situation. In …

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