Risk Assessment with the Key Indicator Methods (KIM)

The Key Indicator Methods were redesigned and newly developed lead-managed by the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). They are screening tools, but require a good knowledge of the workstations to be assessed. The Key Indicator Methods allow for the identification of structural deficits regarding ergonomic design of a workplace and provide information about measures with the potential to reduce the risks of adverse health effects.

For further information please refer to our German Website or use our information centre.

Workers loading a delivery truck.
© iStock | Camrocker

The brochures from the baua: Praxis series explain step by step how to assess risks using the inventory of Key Indicator Methods. Paper forms with instructions for the following six types of physical workload are available in German, in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch and Turkish:

  • manual lifting, holding and carrying of loads,
  • manual pushing and pulling of loads,
  • manual handling operations,
  • whole-body forces,
  • awkward body postures, and
  • body movement.

The Key Indicator Methods passed a comprehensive examination of quality criteria, and they were tested in several companies. They are approved for the use in practice now. The algorithms for the interpolation of rating points and the aggregation of the results of risk assessment ("Extended KIM's" or KIM-E) have been published in a baua: Fokus Publication.

Interactive forms with integrated calculation support are available in German. They include the algorithms of the KIM-E. For use, please refer to the German interactive forms with the help of the user manuals for KIM-E, which are available in English now. The interactive forms in English language are still in progress.

Before applying the key indicator methods, it is meaningful to get an impression of whether there is physical workload at the workplace at all. A basic check list combined with a screening tool is provided for this purpose (in German).

Forms and Publications


Manual lifting, holding, and carrying

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Guidance (in German)

find out more

Manual work processes

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Guidance (in German)

find out more

Awkward Body Postures

Publishing year: 2023

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Guidance (in German)

find out more

Manual Pushing and Pulling of Loads

Publishing year: 2024

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Guidance (in German)

find out more

Exertion of Whole-body Forces

Publishing year: 2024

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Guidance (in German)

find out more

Forms (English)

Instructions for use of the PDF forms for the extended key indicator methods with integrated calculation functions (KIM-E)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

PDF, 311 KB, Not barrier-free file


Key Indicator Method for assessing and designing physical workloads with respect to manual Lifting, Holding and Carrying of loads ≥ 3 kg (KIM-LHC)

Publication date: 2019-10-10

Form including brief instructions

PDF, 348 KB, Not barrier-free file


Key Indicator Method for assessing and designing physical workloads during Manual Handling Operations (KIM-MHO)

Publication date: 2019-10-10

Form including brief instructions

PDF, 313 KB, Not barrier-free file


Key Indicator Method for assessing and designing physical workloads with respect to Awkward Body Postures (KIM-ABP)

Publication date: 2019-10-10

Form including brief instructions

PDF, 296 KB, Not barrier-free file


Instructions for use of the PDF form for workload type-specific summary of assessments with the key indicator methods across different subtasks of a workday (KIM-Multi-E)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

PDF, 100 KB, Not barrier-free file


Key Indicator Method for assessing and designing physical workloads with respect to manual Pushing and Pulling of loads (KIM-PP)

Publication date: 2019-10-10

Form including brief instructions

PDF, 373 KB, Not barrier-free file


Key Indicator Method for assessing and designing physical workloads with respect to Whole-Body Forces (KIM-BF)

Publication date: 2019-10-10

Form including brief instructions

PDF, 348 KB, Not barrier-free file


Key Indicator Method for assessing and designing physical workloads with respect to Body Movement (KIM-BM)

Publication date: 2019-10-10

Form including brief instructions

PDF, 362 KB, Not barrier-free file



MEGAPHYS - Multilevel risk assessment of physical workload

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report (in German)

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Validation of newly developed and redesigned key indicator methods for assessment of different working conditions with physical workloads based on mixed-methods design: a study protocol

Publishing year: 2017

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The draft of the new key indicator method "manual handling operations" (KIM MHO): Aspects of background, objectivity and reliability

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The draft of the new draft key indicator method "manual lifting, holding and carrying loads" (KIM LHC): Aspects of background, objectivity, reliability and criterion validity

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The draft of the new key indicator method "awkward body postures" (KIM ABP): Aspects of background, objectivity, reliability and criterion validity

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The draft of the new key indicator method "whole body forces" (KIM BF): Aspects of background, objectivity, reliability and criterion validity

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Method level 'specific screening': Updated and newly developed 'Key Indicator Methods (KIM)'

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The Key Indicator Methods (KIM) - risk assessment of physical workload on screening level

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The draft of the new key indicator method "manual handling operations" (KIM MHO): Aspects of criterion validity

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The draft of the new key indicator method for "manual pushing and pulling of loads" (KIM PP): Aspects of background, objectivity, reliability and criterion validity

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The draft of the new key indicator method "body movement" (KIM BM): Aspects of background, objectivity, reliability and criterion validity

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The project MEGAPHYS - Multilevel risk assessment of physical exposures at work

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

find out more

Research Projects

Project numberF 2333 StatusCompleted Project MEGAPHYS - Multilevel Risk Assessment of Physical Workload

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2195 StatusCompleted Project Evaluation of a risk assessment method for manual handling tasks at lower forces and higher frequency - "Key indicator method for assessing physical workload during manual handling operations"

To the Project

Research completed

Forms in other languages (I)

Forms (French)

Méthode des indicateurs clés pour l’évaluation et la conception de charges pour le levage, le soutien et le port manuels de charges ≥ 3 kg (KIM-LHC)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulaire avec guide rapide

PDF, 347 KB, Not barrier-free file


Méthode des indicateurs clés pour l’évaluation et la conception de charges par rapport aux processus de travail manuels (KIM-MHO)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulaire avec guide rapide

PDF, 317 KB, Not barrier-free file


Méthode des indicateurs clés pour l’évaluation et la conception de charges par rapport aux postures contraignantes du corps (KIM-ABP)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulaire avec guide rapide

PDF, 294 KB, Not barrier-free file


Méthode des indicateurs clés pour l’évaluation et la conception de charges pour la traction et poussée de charges (KIM-PP)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulaire avec guide rapide

PDF, 377 KB, Not barrier-free file


Méthode des indicateurs clés pour l’évaluation et la conception de charges dans l’exercice des forces globales du corps (KIM-BF)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulaire avec guide rapide

PDF, 351 KB, Not barrier-free file


Méthode des indicateurs clés pour l’évaluation et la conception de charges par rapport à la motricité du corps (KIM-BM)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulaire avec guide rapide

PDF, 375 KB, Not barrier-free file


Forms (Italian)

Metodo degli indicatori chiave per la valutazione e la pianificazione di sforzi in caso di sollevamento, sostegno e trasporto manuale di carichi ≥ 3 kg (KIM-LHC)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Modulo inclusa guida rapida

PDF, 196 KB, Not barrier-free file


Metodo degli indicatori chiave per la valutazione e la pianificazione di sforzi per processi di lavoro manuali (KIM-MHO)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Modulo inclusa guida rapida

PDF, 261 KB, Not barrier-free file


Metodo degli indicatori chiave per la valutazione e la pianificazione di sforzi per posture forzate del corpo (KIM-ABP)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Modulo inclusa guida rapida

PDF, 242 KB, Not barrier-free file


Metodo degli indicatori chiave per la valutazione e la pianificazione di sforzi in caso di spinta e trascinamento di carichi (KIM-PP)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Modulo inclusa guida rapida

PDF, 337 KB, Not barrier-free file


Metodo degli indicatori chiave per la valutazione e la pianificazione degli sforzi nell’esercizio di forze che coinvolgono tutto il corpo (KIM-BF)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Modulo inclusa guida rapida

PDF, 333 KB, Not barrier-free file


Metodo degli indicatori chiave per la valutazione e la pianificazione di sforzi per spostamento del corpo (KIM-BM)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Modulo inclusa guida rapida

PDF, 340 KB, Not barrier-free file


Forms (Spanish)

Método de propiedades de control para la evaluación y el diseño de cargas en la elevación, sujeción y transporte manuales de cargas de ≥ 3 kg (KIM-LHC)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulario, instrucciones breves incluidas

PDF, 349 KB, Not barrier-free file


Método de propiedades de control para la evaluación y el diseño de cargasen los procesos de trabajo manuales (KIM-MHO)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulario, instrucciones breves incluidas

PDF, 318 KB, Not barrier-free file


Método de propiedades de control para la evaluación y el diseño de cargasen caso de posturas corporales forzadas (KIM-ABP)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulario, instrucciones breves incluidas

PDF, 294 KB, Not barrier-free file


Método de propiedades de control para la evaluación y el diseño de cargasen la tracción y el empuje manuales de cargas (KIM-PP)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulario, instrucciones breves incluidas

PDF, 376 KB, Not barrier-free file


Método de propiedades de control para la evaluación y el diseño de cargas al ejercer fuerzas con todo el cuerpo (KIM-BF)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulario, instrucciones breves incluidas

PDF, 350 KB, Not barrier-free file


Método de propiedades de control para la evaluación y el diseño de cargas en caso de movimientos continuados del cuerpo (KIM-BM)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulario, instrucciones breves incluidas

PDF, 362 KB, Not barrier-free file


Forms in other languages (II)

Forms (Swedish)

Nyckelindikatormetod för bedömning och utformning av belastningar vid att manuellt lyfta, hålla och bära laster ≥ 3 kg (KIM-LHC)

Publication date: 2019-11-20

Blankett inklusive snabbinstruktion

PDF, 335 KB, Not barrier-free file


Nyckelindikatormetod för bedömning och utformning av belastningar vid manuella arbetsprocesser (KIM-MHO)

Publication date: 2019-11-20

Blankett inklusive snabbinstruktion

PDF, 312 KB, Not barrier-free file


Nyckelindikatormetod för bedömning och utformning av belastningar vid onaturliga kroppshållningar (KIM-ABP)

Publication date: 2019-11-20

Blankett inklusive snabbinstruktion

PDF, 290 KB, Not barrier-free file


Nyckelindikatormetod för bedömning och utformning av belastningar vid att manuellt dra och sjkuta laster (KIM-PP)

Publication date: 2019-11-20

Blankett inklusive snabbinstruktion

PDF, 370 KB, Not barrier-free file


Nyckelindikatormetod för bedömning och utformning av belastningar vid kraftutövande med hela kroppen (KIM-BF)

Publication date: 2019-11-20

Blankett inklusive snabbinstruktion

PDF, 344 KB, Not barrier-free file


Nyckelindikatormetod för bedömning och utformning av belastningar vid kroppsförflyttning (KIM-BM)

Publication date: 2019-11-20

Blankett inklusive snabbinstruktion

PDF, 344 KB, Not barrier-free file


Forms (Dutch)

Knelpuntenmethode voor het beoordelen en inrichten van fysieke belasting bij handmatig optillen, vasthouden en dragen van lasten ≥ 3 kg (KIM-LHC)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulier inclusief korte instructies

PDF, 348 KB, Not barrier-free file


Knelpuntenmethode voor het beoordelen en inrichten van fysieke belasting bij handmatige arbeidsprocessen (KIM-MHO)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulier inclusief korte instructies

PDF, 317 KB, Not barrier-free file


Knelpuntenmethode voor het beoordelen en inrichten van fysieke belasting bij gedwongen lichaamshoudingen (KIM-ABP)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulier inclusief korte instructies

PDF, 292 KB, Not barrier-free file


Knelpuntenmethode voor het beoordelen en inrichten van fysieke belasting bij handmatig trekken en duwen van lasten (KIM-PP)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulier inclusief korte instructies

PDF, 375 KB, Not barrier-free file


Knelpuntenmethode voor het beoordelen en inrichten van fysieke belasting bij het uitoefenen van kracht met het hele lichaam (KIM-BF)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulier inclusief korte instructies

PDF, 350 KB, Not barrier-free file


Knelpuntenmethode voor het beoordelen en inrichten van fysieke belasting bij lichaamsbeweging (KIM-BM)

Publication date: 2019-12-18

Formulier inclusief korte instructies

PDF, 363 KB, Not barrier-free file


Forms (Turkish)

Ağırlığı ≥ 3 kg olan yüklerin elle kaldırılması, tutulması ve taşınmasına bağlı olarak fiziksel zorlanmaların değerlendirilmesi ve tasarımı için Anahtar Gösterge Yöntemi (KIM-LHC)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Kısa talimat dahil form

PDF, 342 KB, Not barrier-free file


Manuel iş süreçlerine bağlı olarak fiziksel zorlanmaların değerlendirilmesi ve tasarımı için Anahtar Gösterge Yöntemi (KIM-MHO)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Kısa talimat dahil form

PDF, 333 KB, Not barrier-free file


Zorunlu vücut duruşlarına bağlı olarak fiziksel zorlanmaların değerlendirilmesi ve tasarımı için Anahtar Gösterge Yöntemi (KIM-ABP)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Kısa talimat dahil form

PDF, 315 KB, Not barrier-free file


Yüklerin elle çekilmesi ve itilmesine bağlı olarak fiziksel zorlanmaların değerlendirilmesi ve tasarımı için Anahtar Gösterge Yöntemi (KIM-PP)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Kısa talimat dahil form

PDF, 296 KB, Not barrier-free file


Tüm vücut kullanılarak uygulanan kuvvetlere bağlı olarak fiziksel zorlanmaların değerlendirilmesi ve tasarımı için Anahtar Gösterge Yöntemi (KIM-BF)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Kısa talimat dahil form

PDF, 351 KB, Not barrier-free file


Vücut hareketine bağlı olarak fiziksel zorlanmaların değerlendirilmesi ve tasarımı için Anahtar Gösterge Yöntemi (KIM-BM)

Publication date: 2021-04-23

Kısa talimat dahil form

PDF, 391 KB, Not barrier-free file


Web Documentation "Mit voller Kraft? Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen in den Arbeitswelten der Zukunft"

Further Information


Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Information Centre
Postbox 17 02 02
D-44061 Dortmund

Phone: +49 231 9071-1971
Fax: +49 231 9071-2070

Contact form

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