Points of Contact for External Consultations

Company doctors

Company doctors shall support the employer in the fields of occupational safety and health and accident prevention regarding any questions of health protection. While fulfilling their tasks, they are independent and not bound by directives regarding the application of their occupational health and safety-related know-how.

The Association of German Works Physicians (Verband Deutscher Betriebs- und Werksärzte e.V. – VDBW) is the professional association of German occupational physicians and has been representing the interests of its approximately 3,000 medical members all over Germany for 60 years. The organised medical colleagues come from all fields of occupational medical activities, for example from international large-scale companies, administrations, occupational medical centres, or from free-lance self-owned offices.

The VDBW consults and supports you regarding any questions in the field of occupational medical activities and is an accepted and demanded contact for the fields of politics, economy, and society regarding the topic of occupational healthcare. On its homepage it offers, among others, a targeted company doctor search feature.

The contact addresses of the company doctors, sorted by postcodes, can be found here:

Company doctor search

Please note: On 24 December 2008, the Ordinance on Occupational Health Care (Verordnung zur arbeitsmedizinischen Vorsorge – ArbMedVV) came into force. The ArbMedVV consolidates the duplicate provisions on occupational healthcare.

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