Points of Contact for External Consultations

As a matter of principle, you as the employer are responsible for a perfect-quality risk assessment. The external awarding process is a purely private-law relationship and may include anyone, as a matter of principle. However, for your own good you should only award consulting engagements to qualified persons.

On the pages below, we will cite companies offering topic-related services and with the power of supporting you in performing the risk assessment. Please note that this list raises no claim to completeness and that we cannot assume any responsibility for quality, suitability, performance capacity, etc.

The service providers are typically listed by postcode. The list is not ranked in order of importance.

Occupational health and safety practitioners (Sifa)

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Company doctors

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Management of hazardous substances, creation of safety data sheets

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Determining physical-chemical properties

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Determining toxicological and ecotoxicological properties

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