Optical Radiation

Optical radiation includes the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS, light), and infrared (IR) wavelength ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. People working with this radiation may endanger their health. BAuA searches for ways of avoiding this.

Optical radiation
© Uwe Völkner, Fotoagentur FOX

Besides the sun as a natural source of radiation, there are numerous artificial sources emitting optical radiation in today's world of work. In this, a differentiation must be made between coherent radiation of a laser and incoherent radiation of LEDs, lamps, or spotlights, but also from plasma light arcs, for example. The commercial use of optical radiation includes material processing, e.g. using lasers, stage machinery as well as medical applications, such as the removal of tattoos. However, the targeted use of optical radiation is common in the private area as well. The use of laser pointers during speeches is only one of many examples.

Wavelength range of optical radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum
Wavelength range of optical radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum

However, this non-ionising radiation may endanger the skin and the eyes. A differentiation is being made between acute damage, such as sunburn or photo-keratitis, and long-term damage, such as skin cancer and cataract.

The Ordinance on Industrial Health and Safety regarding Artificial Optical Radiation (OStrV) forms the statutory framework for optical radiation. It was implemented nationally in 2010 based on the European Directive on Artificial Optical Radiation (2006/25/EC)

BAuA develops methods for profound risk assessment

The objective of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) is, among others, a safe design of working conditions where optical radiation is being used or where this radiation occurs as an undesired by-product. In order to allow for a profound risk assessment of such workstations, BAuA does not only manage the know-how, but performs its own R&D projects or awards these to third parties.

The transfer of newly gained findings to the public is manifold. In this, publishing research reports is a part of it, as is the establishing of rules. The distribution of research results may cover a correspondingly large area:

  • new-creation and implementation of national and European regulations and provisions
  • development of guidelines and information for employers and employees
  • information for manufacturers regarding the development of safe and health-compliantly designed products
  • help for market surveillance agencies

Research Projects

Project numberF 2579 StatusOngoing Project Metrology for wearable light loggers and optical radiation dosimeters (MeLiDos)

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2534 StatusOngoing Project Effects of temporal light modulation on workers’ cognitive performance, mental workload and well-being

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2496 StatusCompleted Project Non-visual effectiveness of light at night as a function of the light direction

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Research completed

Project numberF 2483 StatusCompleted Project Simplified risk assessment of incoherent high-power spotlights

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Research completed

Project numberF 2449 StatusCompleted Project Occupational circadian effective light exposure

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Research completed

Project numberF 2448 StatusCompleted Project Effect of light on the alertness during the day: Dependence on the spectral composition of light and the exposure time

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Research completed

Project numberF 2442 StatusCompleted Project Ageing resistance of laser protection filters

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Research completed

Project numberF 2391 StatusCompleted Project Interactive guidance for the measurement of physical agents within the scope of risk assessment

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Research completed

Project numberF 2377 StatusCompleted Project UV radiation exposure during welding, Subproject 2 "Biological efficacy of intermittent and pulsed incoherent optical radiation"

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Research completed

Project numberF 2368 StatusCompleted Project UV radiation exposure during welding, Subproject 1 "Determination of UV exposure during welding"

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Research completed

Project numberF 2422 StatusCompleted Project UV radiation exposure during welding, Subproject 3 "Requirements for protective components during welding"

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2355 StatusCompleted Project Determination of the actual light exposure from natural and artificial sources with regard to circadian effects in shift-working employees - Joint project between BAuA and PHE

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Research completed

Project numberF 2335 StatusCompleted Project Laser resistance of protective filters as a function of beam diameter

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Research completed

Project numberF 2310 StatusCompleted Project Dazzling by artificial optical radiation under mesopic conditions

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Research completed

Project numberF 2254 StatusCompleted Project Applicable measurement procedures for risk assessments of physical agents

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2158 StatusCompleted Project Safety installations for hand-guided laser machining

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Research completed

Project numberF 2115 StatusCompleted Project Measurement procedure for the risk assessment of light emitting diodes (LEDs)

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2036 StatusCompleted Project Protective components to reduce solar UV exposure at outdoor workers

To the Project

Research completed


Search results

Blue-Light Hazard of Light-Emitting Diodes Assessed with Gaussian Functions

Article 2021

The high blue proportion of phosphor-conversion white-light emitting diodes (pc-LEDs), especially of those with higher …

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Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Risk Estimates - A Comparison of Different Action Spectra and Detector Responsivities

Article 2021

Studies assessing the dose-response relationship for human skin cancer induction by solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) apply a …

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Photoprotection by Workwear: Ultraviolet Protection Factors for Artificial Radiation from Welding Arcs

Article 2020

Photoprotection by clothing is one of the most effective protective measures against solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR), and the …

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UV protection to prevent epithelial skin cancer in outdoor workers

Article 2018

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt", Volume 66, …

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Light and blue-light exposures of day workers in summer and winter

Article 2019

Incandescent and halogen light bulbs for general lighting do not meet new energy efficiency requirements and are gradually being …

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Mathematical Modeling of Optical Radiation Emission as a Function of Welding Power during Gas Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Article 2017

The complete article can be purchased at the website of the Journal "Health Physics", Volume 113, Issue 5, pp. 335-346:

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Ultraviolet germicidal efficacy as a function of pulsed radiation parameters studied by spore film dosimetry

Article 2018

The complete article can be purchased at the website of the "Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology", Volume 178, …

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Risk assessment of artificial UV radiation sources

Article 2017

The complete article "Risk assessment of artificial UV radiation sources" is part of the UVNews Newsletter, Issue 12 (March 2017).

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Ultraviolet spectral irradiance measurements: an intercomparison of spectroradiometers in laboratory combined with a workplace field test

Article 2018

Ultraviolet (UV) irradiance measurements are usually associated with large inaccuracies and uncertainties complicating the …

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Aging of laser protective filters concerning laser resistance

Article 2019

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Light exposure of workers in different occupations

Article 2021

Twenty-four hours light exposure of employees in three different occupations was assessed for a working week during both summer …

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Light exposure of indoor and outdoor workers in different occupations

Article 2022

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Influence of the human field of view on visual and non-visual quantities in indoor environments

Article 2023

The visual and non-visual effectiveness of light is often determined by measuring the spectrally weighed irradiance on the …

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Non-visual effectiveness of light at night as a function of the light direction

Article 2022

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ENLIGHT: A consensus checklist for reporting laboratory-based studies on the non-visual effects of light in humans

Article 2023

Background: There is no consensus on reporting light characteristics in studies investigating non-visual responses to light. …

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The non-visual effects of light on health in epidemiology: measuring the agent

Article 2016

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The new occupational disease BK 5103 "Skin cancer" - Needs of primary prevention and ways of realization

Article 2014

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt", Volume 62, …

To the Publication

Working outdoors - Protecting employees from UV radiation

baua: Facts 2020

Overall, about 290,000 people in Germany get skin cancer every year. The most common cause of skin cancer is UV radiation from …

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Statement on ICNIRP guidelines on limits of exposure to laser radiation

baua: Fokus 2017

The Working Group "Non-Ionizing Radiation" (Arbeitskreis Nichtionisierende Strahlung - AKNIR) of the German-Swiss Association …

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Blue-light hazard risk assessment for white-light sources

baua: Guidance brief 2023

Light from screens and general lighting is almost always photobiologically safe. The use of high-power spotlights e. g. in …

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