EEMFF: European Electromagnetic Fields Forum

The European EMF Forum is a network of national occupational safety and health institutions aiming to enhance the implementation of the EMF Directive (2013/35/EU) in the EU member states.

The major reason to create the EEMFF is to exchange information about the experience of the EU member states in application of the EMF Directive. Hence, the EEMFF organized a European conference to discuss problems and best practices in implementing the EMF Directive.

Organizers of the conference were scientists and experts involved in the development of the Directive, responsible also for its implementation in their EU member states. The main organizer of the 1. EEMFF Conference was the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Dortmund. Members of organizing committee:

  • Carsten Alteköster, IFA, Germany
  • Michel Israel, NCPHA, Bulgaria
  • Peter Jeschke, BAuA, Germany
  • Jolanta Karpowicz, CIOP, Poland
  • Tarmo Koppel, Taltech, Estonia
  • Kjell H. Mild, Umea University, Sweden
  • Klaus Schiessl, AUVA, Austria
  • Rianne Stam, RIVM, The Netherlands
  • Benjamin Vatovez, ISSEP, Belgium

If you are working in the field of occupational safety and health and are affiliated with a governmental body, e.g. ministry, labour inspectorate, social accident insurance, or governmental research institution, you are kindly invited to participate in the EEMFF. Please send us a short email with your request, perhaps pointing out your area of expertise, what you are interested in, and what you would like to contribute. We are looking very forward to welcome you!

Further Information