Digitalisation | Artificial Intelligence

Assistance systems, robots, artificial intelligence - digitalisation is bringing about far-reaching changes in the world of work. Our research is helping to identify the opportunities and risks of these developments, enabling policymakers and organisations to take well-informed decisions.

Woman at a computer workstation reflected in a monitor
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In the digitalised world of work, display screen equipment (DSE) work involves far more than carrying out tasks on the classic PC. There are many fields where it is common for workers to depend on equipment like laptops and mobile end devices. One requirement is to examine the transferability of existing design knowledge in this field to new types of work situations.

Today the findings of digital ergonomics and its design tools are already supporting the careful planning of products and work systems. Shortcomings can consequently be identified at an early stage and ergonomic improvements implemented.

Meanwhile innovative technologies hold out opportunities to design the world of work more inclusively for people with disabilities - whether by relying on general technologies like smartphones with appropriate apps or by introducing specially developed applications or even collaborative robots. Physical work assistance technologies, such as robot systems and exoskeletons, can support people when performing physical work tasks. Research into the best ways of designing these systems and human-centred approaches to their deployment is therefore gaining in significance.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just having impacts on products and work equipment, but also on the design of employees’ activities and workplaces. Apart from the economic potential inherent in AI, attention will increasingly have to be paid to human-centred work design in this context as well.

Research Projects

Project numberF 2573 StatusOngoing Project Second survey on the diffusion and impact of digitalisation and change in employment (DiWaBe 2.0)

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2553 StatusOngoing Project Cognitive ergonomics in virtual team communication

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2557 StatusOngoing Project Human-centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry (HumanTech)

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2526 StatusCompleted Project Overview of Policies, Research and Practices in Relation to Advanced Robotics and AI-based Systems for Automation of Tasks and Occupational Safety and Health

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Research completed

Project numberF 2506 StatusOngoing Project Socio-Physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production (SOPHIA)

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2497 StatusOngoing Project Safety-related risk assessment of a cyber-physical model system for industry 4.0 applications

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2466 StatusCompleted Project Ergonomic evaluation of the long-term use of passive exoskeletons in the world of work

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Research completed

Project numberF 2463 StatusCompleted Project Autonomous Robots for Assistance Functions: Interactive Basic Skills (ARAIG)

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Research completed

Project numberF 2444 StatusCompleted Project Survey on dissemination and impact of digitalisation and change in employment in the world of work

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Research completed

Project numberF 2418 StatusCompleted Project Human-centered design of human-robot-interaction; Project 3 "Human-Robot-Interaction and assistance systems - task allocation in Smart Factories"

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Research completed

Project numberF 2472 StatusCompleted Project Digital Technologies as a Resource for OSH in Service Professions

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Research completed

Project numberF 2424 StatusCompleted Project Prevention for safe and healthy working with digital technologies (PräDiTec)

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Research completed

Project numberF 2421 StatusCompleted Project Overall project: Didactical design and human factors evaluation of work assistance systems for safe working in complex situations in the steel industry (StahlAssist)
BAuA: Development of concepts for an application of smart devices that promotes learning

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Research completed

Project numberF 2359 StatusCompleted Project Optimized workload in process control centres utilizing modern ICT equipment

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Research completed

Project numberF 2412 StatusCompleted Project Interactive personalized visualization in industrial processes using the example of the digital factory in electronics manufacturing (Glass@Service)

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Research completed

Project numberF 2396 StatusCompleted Project Digital Ergonomics: Virtual anthropometry for safe and ergonomic product and work system design

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Research completed

Project numberF 2351 StatusCompleted Project Individualized socio-technical workplace assistance for industrial production (INDIVA) - Designing individualized work assistance systems using digital human modeling

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Research completed

Project numberF 2313 StatusCompleted Project Delphi survey: "Digital Ergonomics 2025 - Trends and strategies for increasing product usability and designing safe, healthy and efficient socio-technical work systems"

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Research completed

Project numberF 2288 StatusCompleted Project Head-Mounted Displays - Conditions for safe and healthy use

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Research completed

Project numberF 2278 StatusCompleted Project Effects on decision making and behaviour from "smart" protective clothing

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Research completed


Search results

Mobile work with tablet and smartphone: on the method dependency of an assessment of physical stress and strain

Article 2021

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Work related ICT--Information and Communications Technologies use and work intensity: The role of mobile devices

Article 2021

The complete article "Work related ICT use and work intensity: The role of mobile devices" can be downloaded at the website of …

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Job quality in digitalized work environments

Article 2021

The complete article "Job quality in digitalized work environments" can be downloaded at the website of the Journal "Soziale Welt

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Safe machines with - or despite - artificial intelligence

Article 2021

In April, the European Commission produced a proposal not only for a regulation governing artificial intelligence, but also for …

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Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) Technologies for Reducing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Diseases in Industry 4.0

Article 2021

The complete article "Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) Technologies for Reducing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Diseases in …

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Results from the Third European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks on Human-Robot Interaction

Article 2021

The complete article "Results from the Third European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks on Human-Robot Interaction"

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Influence of Personality Traits on Helping Behaviour in Human-Robot Interaction

Article 2021

The complete article "Influence of Personality Traits on Helping Behaviour in Human-Robot Interaction" can be downloaded at the …

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Krakenbox: deep learning-based error detector for industrial cyber-physical systems

Article 2021

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An overview of the research landscape in the field of safe machine learning

Article 2021

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Task Allocation in Human-Robot Interaction: A Psychological Consideration of Task Allocation Processes for Designing Human-Centred Cooperation between Humans and Robots

Report 2021

The allocation of work tasks to humans and machines is a challenge that researchers since the 1950s have dedicated themselves …

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Legal framework for making available autonomous and AI systems

Report 2021

The goal of the project presented here was to identify necessary changes to existing legal regulations such as the product …

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Aspects of industrial CPS critical for risk assessment methods

Article 2021

The complete article "Aspects of industrial CPS critical for risk assessment methods" can be downloaded at the website of the …

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Organizational safety and health topics in current German artificial intelligence projects and the road ahead

Article 2021

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Simulation and participatory design of HRI work systems in the SOPHIA project

Article 2021

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An integrative and transdisciplinary approach for a human-centered design of AI-based work systems

Article 2021

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Cognitive Load by Context-Sensitive Information Provision Using Binocular Smart Glasses in an Industrial Setting

Article 2017

The complete article "Cognitive Load by Context-Sensitive Information Provision Using Binocular Smart Glasses in an Industrial …

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Using Paper, E-ink device or Desktop-PC for office work and subjective strain - a comparative study

Article 2017

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How to Evaluate the Usability of Smart Devices as Conceivable Work Assistance: A Systematic Review

Article 2017

The complete article "How to Evaluate the Usability of Smart Devices as Conceivable Work Assistance: A Systematic Review" is a …

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Synthesis and validation of a virtual anthropometric user population of German civilians based on an up-to-date representative dataset

baua: Fokus 2017

Representative anthropometric data are necessary for the virtual planning, design and construction of safe and ergonomic …

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Development of an analytical model for predicting mental workload in process control

baua: Report 2017

The scope of this PhD-Thesis was to elaborate the originally qualitative cognitive task load model (Neerincx, 1995 und 2003) …

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The 2023-25 Healthy Workplaces Campaign

European Campaign

The current European Healthy Workplaces Campaign, "Safe and healthy work in the digital age", is focussed on the impacts of the digital transformation in the world of work. The aim is to help publicise and spread good practice solutions.

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