Artificial Intelligence in the World of Work

Artificial intelligence is a crucial driver behind the digital transformation and is altering the world of work profoundly. As a result, highly promising opportunities are opening up for positive approaches to the design of work. Because of this it is imperative to reimagine human-centred work design. AI is not just affecting products and work equipment, but also having impacts on the design of work activities, workplaces, processes, and management roles.

Woman in work clothes stands next to an industrial robot with a laptop
© iStock/whyframestudio

Sweeping changes in the world of work

Artificial intelligence (AI) is penetrating organisations and, as this happens, coming to be used in many different settings. The assessment of its opportunities and risks from an occupational safety and health (OSH) perspective and its human-centred implementation are particularly challenging. This is because AI applications are continuing to develop at a rapid pace and the diversity of technologies and systems classifiable as AI is enormous.

Apart from the debate about the potential effects of AI on the labour market, researchers will have to address numerous questions concerning AI in the world of work that demand the exhaustive scrutiny of AI technologiesThese discussions will have to take account of digital and ecological transformation processes and the requirements for AI’s sustainable implementation.

Deckblatt von "baua: Aktuell" - Ausgabe 3/2023

baua: Aktuell 03/2023 includes a focus section on artificial intelligence in the world of work. This issue features other articles covering the second report from the Council of the Working World (Rat der Arbeitswelt), with its recommendations concerning the management of the digital and ecological transformations, and the launch of EU-OSHA’s “Safe and healthy work in the digital age” campaign.
baua: Aktuell - Issue 3/2023 (in German)

Challenges from AI

AI is altering work systems at the micro, meso, and macro levels. This is true of work tasks, activities, processes, and organisations alike, as well as new kinds of work equipment. Such equipment includes, for example, collaborative robotics, self-learning systems, smart protective clothing, work assistance systems, and driverless transport systems. It is necessary to respond to these radical innovations by bringing human-centred approaches to bear on the management of role allocation and the interactions between human beings and (AI-supported) work equipment.

New or heavier work loads may be placed on employees as a consequence of AI being utilised in the world of work. This could happen, for example, due to rising work intensity, a growth in the volume of repetitive work, and deskilling, but also the tendencies for technical systems to become less transparent and increasingly complex. This would increase workers’ dependence on technology and the dangers of social isolation associated with that dependence, while lowering their levels of control. OSH criteria accordingly have to be tested, adjusted, and further refined so that it is possible to keep pace with innovations in the AI field. These innovations will make appropriate adjustments necessary, potentially on the part of regulators as well. Since learning AI technologies’ behaviour develops while they are in use, they will throw up additional challenges that have to be tackled when carrying out risk assessments and preventive assessments of the hazards from machines and reconfigured activities.

AI’s potential benefits

Nonetheless, AI applications can also provide employees with meaningful support and bolster OSH provision. Today’s cognitive assistance systems are already capable of supplying information about loads and stressors, thus positively influencing employees’ health habits. Thanks to AI, it is feasible for body sensor networks to improve the measurement of physical stresses. AI-based image evaluation procedures will soon be assisting the detection and classification of microscopic hazardous substances. If they are well designed, AI technologies can offer means of easing the burden of repetitive tasks. It is, in principle, possible to design AI systems transparently and explicably. New opportunities are also opening up, in particular, to design work in ways that promote inclusion by putting in place options for individual support.

The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA) has completed various research projects looking at a range of subjects connected with AI, including questions about industry 4.0, ambient intelligence, and data mining. Other research projects on AI-adjacent issues are still ongoing at present. A selection of the topics connected with AI we are currently researching are presented below.

BAuA topics related to AI

Forschungsprojekte mit KI-Bezug

Project numberF 2278 StatusCompleted Project Effects on decision making and behaviour from "smart" protective clothing

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Research completed

Project numberF 2299 StatusCompleted Project Impact of AmI-based-ventilation and air conditioning machines (RLT) on indoor climate applied on the phenomenon "dry climate" - AmI-based regulation of indoor climate

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2320 StatusCompleted Project Complex Control Center Operations - Assessing stress and designing workplaces

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2322 StatusCompleted Project Opportunities and risks of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) from a safety point of view

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2323 StatusCompleted Project Research map ambient intelligence (AmI) and adaptive work assistance systems (AAS)

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2348 StatusCompleted Project Ergonomic navigator for aging- and age-friendly production (EngAge4Pro) - Digital recording and assessment of physical work loads in industrial work systems

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Research completed

Project numberF 2359 StatusCompleted Project Optimized workload in process control centres utilizing modern ICT equipment

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Research completed

Project numberF 2390 StatusCompleted Project Data mining technologies - Subproject identification of accidents involving products

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Research completed

Project numberF 2396 StatusCompleted Project Digital Ergonomics: Virtual anthropometry for safe and ergonomic product and work system design

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2402 StatusCompleted Project Experimental studies on the development of continuous neuronal mental workload registration for field use

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2418 StatusCompleted Project Human-centered design of human-robot-interaction; Project 3 "Human-Robot-Interaction and assistance systems - task allocation in Smart Factories"

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2419 StatusCompleted Project Work assistance system for the individualization of work organization and training methods (AIM) - Development and validation a method for supplying context-sensitive information in production

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Research completed

Project numberF 2432 StatusCompleted Project Legal framework for making available autonomous and AI systems

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Research completed

Project numberF 2441 StatusCompleted Project Analysis of bioaerosol-borne toxins by proteomics technologies

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Research completed

Project numberF 2444 StatusCompleted Project Survey on dissemination and impact of digitalisation and change in employment in the world of work

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Research completed

Project numberF 2446 StatusOngoing Project Digital Ergonomics - Developing a method for analysis, visualization and long-term usage of complex anthropometric data for product and work-system design

To the Project

Research ongoing

Project numberF 2468 StatusOngoing Project Development of image evaluation methods for the detection and classification of particulate and fibrous hazardous substances using methods of machine learning

To the Project

Research ongoing

Project numberF 2479 StatusCompleted Project Development of correlative microscopic methods for the identification of dust particles (EMMI)

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2490 StatusCompleted Project Monitoring the digital world of work

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2494 StatusCompleted Project Personalised Body Sensor Networks with Built-In Intelligence for Real-Time Risk Assessment and Coaching of Ageing workers, in all types of working and living environments (BIONIC)

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Research completed

Project numberF 2497 StatusOngoing Project Safety-related risk assessment of a cyber-physical model system for industry 4.0 applications

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Research ongoing

Project numberF 2501 StatusCompleted Project Object-related tasks

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Research completed

Project numberF 2502 StatusCompleted Project Knowledge-based tasks

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Research completed

Project numberF 2504 StatusCompleted Project Leadership and Management

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Research completed

Project numberF 2505 StatusCompleted Project Technical and organisational occupational safety

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Research completed

Project numberF 2506 StatusCompleted Project Socio-Physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production (SOPHIA)

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2520 StatusCompleted Project Development of a practice-oriented system of criteria and rules to optimise risk assessments

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Research completed

Project numberF 2526 StatusCompleted Project Overview of Policies, Research and Practices in Relation to Advanced Robotics and AI-based Systems for Automation of Tasks and Occupational Safety and Health

To the Project

Research completed

Project numberF 2536 StatusOngoing Project Potential Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for the Analysis of Occupational Safety Risks

To the Project

Research ongoing


Search results

A context-specific analysis of ethical principles relevant for AI-assisted decision-making in health care

Article 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies may exert a profound impact on social structures and practices in care …

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Advanced robotics and AI-based systems in the workplace: OSH challenges and opportunities originating from actual implementations

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "Advanced robotics and AI-based systems in the workplace: OSH challenges and opportunities originating from …

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AI-based material quality control measures (ID15)

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "AI-based material quality control measures (ID15)" can be purchased at the website of the European Agency for …

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AI-based software to increase fact checking's speed, scale and impact (ID14)

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "AI-based software to increase fact checking's speed, scale and impact (ID14)" can be purchased at the website …

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An artificial intelligence-based system for visual recognition of hazardous particles in an air sample (ID8)

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "An artificial intelligence-based system for visual recognition of hazardous particles in an air sample (ID8)"

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Artificial intelligence - based vehicular automation fitted to excavators to automate trenching (ID6)

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "Artificial intelligence - based vehicular automation fitted to excavators to automate trenching (ID6)" can be …

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Artificial intelligence software supporting physicians in colonoscopy diagnostic tasks (ID9)

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "Artificial intelligence software supporting physicians in colonoscopy diagnostic tasks (ID9)" can be purchased …

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Artificial intelligence-based system for product inspection in manufacturing (ID3)

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "Artificial intelligence-based system for product inspection in manufacturing (ID3)" can be purchased at the …

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Automating cognitive tasks in the workplace using AI-based systems: cases and recommendations. AI-based systems in the workplace

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "Automating cognitive tasks in the workplace using AI-based systems: cases and recommendations. AI-based systems …

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Automating physical tasks in the workplace using AI-based systems: cases and recommendations. Advanced robotics in the workplace

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "Automating physical tasks in the workplace using AI-based systems: cases and recommendations. Advanced robotics …

To the Publication

Facilitating acceptance of AI-based systems in the workplace and minimising organisational impact

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "Facilitating acceptance of AI-based systems in the workplace and minimising organisational impact" can be …

To the Publication

Implementing advanced robotics and AI-based systems for task automation: drivers, barriers and recommendations

Cooperation 2023

The Publication "Implementing advanced robotics and AI-based systems for task automation: drivers, barriers and recommendations"

To the Publication

Interaction Design for Hybrid Intelligence: The Case of Work Place Risk Assessment

Article 2023

The complete article "Interaction Design for Hybrid Intelligence: The Case of Work Place Risk Assessment" is a chapter of the …

To the Publication

Advanced robotics, artificial intelligence and the automation of tasks: definitions, uses, policies and strategies and Occupational Safety and Health

Cooperation 2022

The Publication "Advanced robotics, artificial intelligence and the automation of tasks: definitions, uses, policies and …

To the Publication

An Occupational Safety and Health Perspective on Human in Control and AI

Article 2022

The continuous and rapid development of AI-based systems comes along with an increase in automation of tasks and, therewith, a …

To the Publication

Artificial intelligence: European regulatory proposals and their relevance for occupational safety and health

Article 2022

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Legal framework for the deployment of autonomous and AI systems

baua: Fokus 2022

The use of industrial machines with AI-based algorithms seems to be possible. However, the impact of AI systems on the safety of …

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Requirements for AI Support in Occupational Safety Risk Analysis

Article 2022

The complete article "Requirements for AI Support in Occupational Safety Risk Analysis" is a chapter of the Book "Proceedings of

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Work analysis

Article 2022

The complete article "Work analysis" is a chapter of the book "Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology. An Introductory …

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An integrative and transdisciplinary approach for a human-centered design of AI-based work systems

Article 2021

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Organizational safety and health topics in current German artificial intelligence projects and the road ahead

Article 2021

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Safe machines with - or despite - artificial intelligence

Article 2021

In April, the European Commission produced a proposal not only for a regulation governing artificial intelligence, but also for …

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German Standardization Roadmap Artificial Intelligence

Cooperation 2020

The Publication "German Standardization Roadmap Artificial Intelligence" can be purchased at the website of the DKE Deutsche …

To the Publication

results per page:

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Junior Research Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI)


The application of artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the major scientific and technological challenges of our time. AI is expected to bring about far-reaching, even revolutionary transformations in many domains of life – especially in the world of work.

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Focus Programme: Occupational Safety & Health in the Digital World of Work


Artificial intelligence, big data, mobile working, industry 4.0 - digital technology is transforming the world of work. With this interdisciplinary focus programme, BAuA is helping to ensure these changes are managed humanely.

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