BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018

The survey focuses on questions related to the workplace (areas of activity, work requirements, workloads, etc.) as well as stress and health impairments. Moreover, information concerning the relationship between education and further training and employment in a broader sense was gathered.

Compared to other studies, the employment survey is characterised by the examination of a representative sample of the working population. In addition, by taking advantage of the simultaneous collection of data regarding stress and health problems, correlations between stress and physical as well as mental impairments can be shown.

Who was interviewed?

A total of 20,012 gainfully employed persons aged 15 and above with an average working time of at least ten hours per week were interviewed in Germany. In this case, gainful employment means an activity which is associated with an income. Thus, volunteers as well as persons in an employment relationship within their first vocational training were excluded. Foreign residents were only included in the survey if they had a sufficient command of German. Although employed without fixed remuneration, unpaid family workers and persons with a maximum of three months' interruption from work were interviewed as well.

The 2018 Employment Survey is the seventh of its kind, and like the previous surveys from the years 2006 and 2012 (previously BIBB/IAB survey), it was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviews. In addition to this, the 2018 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey was the first to be based on a dual frame approach.

What information can I find here?

Currently, a more detailed description of the survey and specialist publications on the topic of "Work and Health" is provided here.

In addition, various fact sheets from the 2018 survey are available, for example on "Working outdoors - protecting employed persons against UV radiation" or "Time pressure and other challenges - Is work getting more intensive and stressful?"

The questionnaire from the 2018 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey can be downloaded from the BIBB Research Data Centre website (see below).

For further detailed information please refer to our German Website.

Publications and Documents

The most important facts and questions about the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018

(PDF, 89 KB, Not barrier-free file)


Stress report Germany 2019

Report 2020

(in German)

In recent years, there has been an increased public interest in mental load and strain which is reflected, inter alia, in the clarification of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, in the latest work programs of the "Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy" and the "Joint …

To the Publication

Association between awkward working postures, in particular overhead work and arm pain in the context of the "BIBB/BAuA Labour Force Survey 2017/2018"

Article 2020

To the Publication

Challenging Cognitive Demands at Work, Related Working Conditions, and Employee Well-Being

Article 2018

In times of digitalized workplaces the extent of challenging cognitive demands at work is rising and employees increasingly have to manage new and unlearned tasks. Yet, these work characteristics have received little attention on how they relate to the worker's well-being. Thus, we analyze …

To the Publication


Working conditions of employees with and without disabilities: Similarities and differences

baua: Facts 2023

So far, little is known about the working conditions of employees with disabilities. Analyses of the 2018 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey comparing employees with and without officially registered disabilities illustrate the importance of looking at working conditions and perceived stress: results …

To the Publication

Working conditions in the craft sector - Desired occupation involving high demands and less praise

baua: Facts 2023

There are around one million craft businesses in Germany, providing work for around 5.6 million people - that’s 13 percent of the total workforce. These people work in the carpentry, metal, and automotive trades or in bakeries, butcher stores, hair salons, and many other trades. The analysis of …

To the Publication

Working conditions and health of knowledge workers

baua: Facts 2023

Data from the 2018 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey indicate that knowledge workers often have work-related resources, such as autonomy. However, they also have to deal with high work demands, especially work intensity. Despite the resources, high demands can pose a risk to health and well-being. …

To the Publication

Workplace health promotion measures - Who gets an offer, who participates?

baua: Facts 2023

Changes in the world of work keep presenting companies and employees with new and sometimes stressful challenges. Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) helps reduce stress and maintain or promote employee health. The results of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018 show that around 46 % of employees …

To the Publication

Working conditions and health of leaders

baua: Facts 2022

Leaders are exposed to high demands at work, particularly in terms of work intensity. At the same time, however, they have more work-related resources at their disposal (e. g. larger decision latitude) than employees without leadership responsibilities. These resources may help leaders to cope …

To the Publication

Support and recognition by supervisors - Important factors for the well-being of employees

baua: Facts 2022

Supervisors play a central role in the experience and actions of employees. In the BAuA project "Mental Health in the World of Work", an overview of the state of research (scoping review) on this topic was conducted. This showed that lead ership styles characterised by clear communication, …

To the Publication

Disturbing sounds at the workplace: a burden for employees

baua: Facts 2022

Many employees are exposed to disturbing sounds at their workplace on a daily basis. This can be caused not only by booming machines but also by traffic noise or the conversations of colleagues in the office. It is well known that incessant noise at high sound pressure levels can have a …

To the Publication

Implementation of operational integration management (BEM) - There is still a need to catch up

baua: Facts 2021

Although the statutory regulation on BEM has been in place since 2004, the present analysis of the 2018 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey shows that only around 40 % of potentially eligible persons received a BEM offer. Of these, almost 70 % accepted the offer. In smaller companies, in the craft and …

To the Publication

Twice the challenge: Single parents in employment

baua: Facts 2021

In Germany, nearly one-fifth of families with minor children are single parent families, and nearly one-third of these single parent families is at risk of poverty. Taking up a job is important for single parents, but given their family responsibilities, work puts additional strain on them. To …

To the Publication

Fixed-term employment: Employment relationship with uncertainties

baua: Facts 2021

In 2018, 4.7 million employees in Germany were in fixed-term employment.1 In its 2018 coalition agreement, the federal government highlighted the partially precarious situation of fixed-term employees and set itself the task of counteracting the disproportional rate of fixed-term employment …

To the Publication

Cooking as a career: A passion involving a high level of physical commitment

baua: Facts 2021

Successfully completing an apprenticeship as a cook generally requires accuracy, organisational talent, and a good physical constitution. The results of the current 2018 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey specifically confirm the latter requirement, because professional cooking involves above average …

To the Publication

Essential and stressed: working conditions in food retailing

baua: Facts 2020

Crises such as the coronavirus pandemic shine a particular spotlight on the occupations that are "essential". For example, the public has become more aware of the importance of work in the food retail sector. Around three million people work in the German retail sector, of whom more than one …

To the Publication

Public service: high levels of work intensity and stress

baua: Facts 2020

Like their counterparts in the private sector, the 4.8 million public service employees have experienced profound restructuring and reorganization in their immediate work environment, including the introduction of new software or the provision of new or modified services. This has not left …

To the Publication

Working conditions in medical and geriatric care - Higher demands, more health complaints

baua: Facts 2021

Professional care work is becoming increasingly important in the context of demographic change. At the same time, many positions are vacant. In the following, the BIBB/BAuA Employee Survey 2018 serves as a basis for examining the work demands, stressors and health complaints of geriatric nurses …

To the Publication

Healthy through restructuring: Leadership behaviour is important

baua: Facts 2020

Restructuring and ongoing changes are an everyday reality in many companies, for example when parts of the company are relocated or outsourced. Employees also notice such changes in their concrete work situation: Restructuring can make their work more intensive, especially when the same or even …

To the Publication

Working outdoors - Protecting employees from UV radiation

baua: Facts 2020

Overall, about 290,000 people in Germany get skin cancer every year. The most common cause of skin cancer is UV radiation from the sun. Working outdoors can expose workers to increased UV radiation and thus increase the risk of skin cancer. Which groups of people and occupations work outdoors …

To the Publication

Quick order - quick delivery

baua: Facts 2019

Logistics occupations are characterised by physical demands and deadline pressure

Nowadays almost everyone orders something quickly on the Internet. The expectation that the delivery will arrive shortly after ordering influences the working conditions of employees in logistics occupations. They …

To the Publication

Physically hard work in Germany: still widespread

baua: Facts 2019

High physical demands such as heavy lifting and carrying are not limited to the production and construction sectors. They can also be found in the service sector, e.g. in nursing and accommodation and food services. Although some aids are now available to facilitate work, not all adverse working …

To the Publication

Time pressure and other challenges - Is work getting more intensive and stressful?

baua: Facts 2019

The world of work has become more complex and is in a constant state of change. Does this mean that work for employees is becoming more intensive and stressful? This is a question currently asked about the situation of the working population. To provide initial answers, data from the BIBB/BAuA …

To the Publication

Further Publications

Object-related tasks in times of digital change: work characteristics and technology deployment

baua: Preprint 2021

(in German)

New technologies are changing work and may transform social attitudes towards work organisation and design. Against this background, the research focusses on human-centred approaches for work design in times of digitalisation. In order to work out practical design recommendations, however, it is …

To the Publication

Information-related tasks in times of digital change: work characteristics and technology deployment

baua: Preprint 2021

(in German)

Tasks such as researching, analysing, communicating, and documenting, in which information is the central subject of work and the employees own knowledge is crucial to value creation, play an increasingly important role in the world of work. What impact does the digital transformation have on …

To the Publication

Person-related tasks in times of digital change: work characteristics and technology use

baua: Preprint 2021

(in German)

Technological and social innovations have the potential to profoundly influence work systems and work tasks. In the current phase of digitalisation, it is to be expected that the use of new technologies will influence task characteristics as well as associated work-related stressors, strain and …

To the Publication

Temporary Agency Work and Well-Being - The Mediating Role of Job Insecurity

Article 2021

Organisations use non-standard employment as a means of flexibility and reduction of fixed costs. An increasingly growing group of employees are self-employed, have work contracts such as part-time and temporary contracts or are employed by a temporary agency, a development catalysed by the COVID

To the Publication

Risks and opportunities of digitisation in the professional fields of nursing, care and healing

Article 2020

(in German)

Digitisation is increasingly finding its way into the world of work. Although it is unlikely that human work will be replaced by computers and machines in the near future, it can be assumed that human work will change. These changes are less expected at the sectoral and occupational level and more …

To the Publication

Who is affected by high work intensity?

Article 2020

(in German)

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin", Volume 55, Issue 9, pp. 563-596: "Who is affected by high work intensity?" (charges may apply).

To the Publication

Shift work, compatibility of work and private life and psychosomatic health complaints - A mediation analysis with the BIBB/BAuA employment survey 2018

Article 2019

(in German)

Health consequences of shift work have been investigated intensively, while there is a lack of research on social consequences of shift work, although social consequences have been discussed as a reason for health consequences of shift work. In this present study, we investigate the association …

To the Publication

Work intensification and autonomy in the digitized working world - A challenge for the well-being of employees?

Article 2019

(in German)

The aim of this paper is to examine how the introduction of new technologies is related to employee’s work intensity, job autonomy and monotonous tasks. Further, we examine whether and to what extent the empirically well-documented relationship between these working conditions and employee …

To the Publication

Challenging Cognitive Demands at Work, Related Working Conditions, and Employee Well-Being

Article 2018

In times of digitalized workplaces the extent of challenging cognitive demands at work is rising and employees increasingly have to manage new and unlearned tasks. Yet, these work characteristics have received little attention on how they relate to the worker's well-being. Thus, we analyze …

To the Publication

Further Information

Research Projects