BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2012

The survey focuses on questions related to the workplace (areas of activity, work requirements, workloads, etc.) and to stress and health impairments.

Compared to other studies, the employment survey stands out thanks to the fact that it presents a representative sample of the working population. In addition, it can, by taking advantage of the simultaneous elicitation of data regarding stains and health problems, reveal relationships between stress and health problems in one survey.

Who was interviewed and how?

A total of 20,036 employed persons aged 15 and over with a working time of at least ten hours per week were interviewed in Germany. In this case volunteers were excluded as well as persons in an employment relationship within the framework of their first vocational training. Foreigners were only included in the survey if they had sufficient knowledge of German. Although employed without fixed remuneration, unpaid family workers and persons with a maximum of three months' interruption from work were interviewed.

The 2012 employment survey is already the sixth of its kind, carried out by computer-assisted telephone interviews, as was the predecessor survey carried out in 2006 (previously: BIBB/IAB survey).

What information is included?

The questionnaire from the 2012 BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey can be downloaded from the BIBB Research Data Centre website (see below).

In addition to the questionnaire and a more detailed description of the survey, three different basic analyses are available:

  • All interviewees
  • Men and women in full-time employment
  • Comparison of the survey waves in 2012 and 2006

The basic analyses (in German) can be found on our German Website.

The data form the basis of the evaluations for the "Stressreport Deutschland 2012" (Stress Report Germany 2012).

In addition, different factsheets were published based on the 2012 survey (available in English).

In addition, 4,000 employees were interviewed personally (2,000) or online (2,000) as part of a methodological experiment. The results of this experiment are presented in a separate report.


Stress report Germany 2012

Report 2012

(in German)

In recent years, science, the public debate and politics have increasingly focused their attention on the associations between working conditions on the one hand, and mental disorders on the other. In the current discussion, it is assumed that more and more workers experience stress and …

To the Publication

Methodological experiment as part of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2011/2012: A comparison of CATI, CAPI, and CAWI

Report 2014

(in German)

In the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey (formerly BIBB-IAB Survey) interviews with employees about their working situation have been conducted since 1979. Until 1998/1999 the respondents were interviewed personally at their homes (CAPI; Computer-Assisted-Personal-Interviews). The survey method was …

To the Publication

Basic evaluation of the BIBB/BAuA youth employment survey (BB-JETB)

Report 2014

(in German)

The BIBB/BAuA Youth Employment Survey (BB-JETB) was initiated and conducted by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) for the first time. This cross-sectional survey takes working conditions, work demands, resources and work pressures into account as well as the health …

To the Publication


Computer usage at work: Risks and opportunities for employees

baua: Facts 2019

Computer usage is an integral part of everyday work life in many professions. Working with a computer often gives employees more freedom to organize their work independently. However, professional computer usage is often accompanied by increased work pressure. The results of the BIBB/BAuA …

To the Publication

Working at the limit - Higher demands, more negative health outcomes

baua: Facts 2019

Those who frequently work at the limits of their capacities often face additional mental and physical demands at work. They tend to feel more burdened and more frequently suffer from psychosomatic complaints such as fatigue, exhaustion, or irritability. In addition, they increasingly report …

To the Publication

Deliver, store, and transport - Working conditions in transport and logistics occupations

baua: Facts 2019

The transport and logistics sector is one of the most important sectors in Germany, right after the automotive industry and trade. Market liberalisation has led to increasing competitive pressure in Europe and thus to rationalisation, involving staff reduction or intermediate storage. However, …

To the Publication

Higher demands, more resources - Working conditions of leaders

baua: Facts 2019

Leaders are exposed to high demands at work, but they have many resources at their disposal. The picture is even more nuanced depending on the number of employees managed. For example, those with wide-ranging leadership responsibilities more frequently work under pressure to meet deadlines or …

To the Publication

Shift-work isn't just shift-work

baua: Facts 2017

Shift-work continues to be a frequently found working time model. It is associated with physically exhausting production work that is carried out primarily by men. This is one of the possible reasons that gender aspects are rarely integrated into the valid and applicable health and safety …

To the Publication

Just don't stir up any dust - Exposures to dust, smoke, gases and vapours

baua: Facts 2017

Dust is almost everywhere but is often not recognised as a hazard for health. But dust can have severe health consequences. Year after year around 6,000 cases of disorders of the respiratory tract caused by dust are recognized as occupational diseases in Germany. The results of the BIBB/BAuA 2012 …

To the Publication

Working without breaks - Violation of the regulations on breaks and rest periods for young employed persons

baua: Facts 2017

Social occupational safety comprises working time safeguards and the protection of the life and health of persons needing particular protection such as young employed persons. This fact sheet provides information on violations of the form of breaks and rest periods for young employed persons of …

To the Publication

Demographic change and regional implications - The workplace situation from the viewpoint of the employed

baua: Facts 2017

The regions of Germany are affected by demographic change to different extents. Since population changes do not take place independently of economic developments, they have effects on the working life. Thus results of the BIBB/BAuA 2012 Employment Survey show that employed persons living in the …

To the Publication

Beware of kneeling or squatting postures - knee pain in the working population

Fact Sheet 2015

Knee pain occurs frequently in the working population and can lead to impairments both at work and in everyday life. Even today, working in unfavourable postures is still widespread in many occupations. The BIBB/BAuA 2012 Employment Survey shows that frequent work in unfavourable postures, such as …

To the Publication

A brave new world of trade? Working conditions in the retail sector

Fact Sheet 2015

Employing 3.5 million people (Federal Statistical Office, 2012), the retail sector is one of Germany's economic sectors with the largest workforce and has experienced a multitude of changes over the last few years. At the same time, changes have occurred not only in the retail landscape itself – …

To the Publication

Night work in the spotlight - frequent stress at work remains a problem

Fact Sheet 2015

The widespread working-time arrangement of shift work, and especially night work, poses a health risk to employees. Although the proportion of shift/night workers in traditional fields (e.g. the coal industry) is in decline, the increasing flexibilisation of the European labour market is bringing …

To the Publication

Demographic change in occupational groups - Working conditions and health of the generation 50plus

Fact Sheet 2015

Factsheet 05 has already addressed the topic of demographic change in the world of work. It focuses on the frequency of physical working conditions at workplaces of various levels of requirement depending on age. Furthermore, occupational risks can be explained by work content and work …

To the Publication

Working conditions in the German automotive industry

Fact Sheet 2015

Regarding the BIBB/BAuA 2012 Employment Survey, a representative random sample of employees in Germany is asked every six years about working conditions, working requirements and resources, as well as about health disturbances. This article focuses on the working conditions in the German …

To the Publication

Fixed-term employment: a focus on working conditions

Fact Sheet 2015

Growing flexibilisation of the European labour market has resulted in an increase in so-called atypical forms of employment, such as fixed-term employment, temporary or agency work, and marginal employment. These forms of employment are also referred to as precarious, as they are characterised by …

To the Publication

Working conditions in the construction sector - heavy physical work persists despite technical progress

Fact Sheet 2014

Employing around 2.5 million people and accounting for almost five per cent of overall gross value added in 2013, the construction industry is considered a key sector in Germany. For employees, work in construction professions is still characterised by high stresses. Compared to other sectors, …

To the Publication

Care work - working at the limit? Working conditions in the care sector

Fact Sheet 2014

The Stress Report Germany 2012 shows that high mental demands are placed on German employees. At the same time, however, some occupational groups are also subject to considerable physical demands. These include employees in care professions in hospitals, care homes and outpatient care - an …

To the Publication

Support by supervisors - trebly important, simply underestimated

Fact Sheet 2014

The Stress Report Germany 2012 showed that there is a backlog demand in Germany regarding help and support by direct supervisors. Only 59% of employees in the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2012 report that they can frequently count on support by their supervisors. In comparison, 80% can frequently …

To the Publication

Restructuring companies - "risks and adverse effects"

Fact Sheet 2014

In the modern world of work companies restructure faster and more frequently than previously. In doing so, they carry out measures that are intended to strengthen the company's productivity by reorganising technical and organisation processes, and frequently by changing the company's structural …

To the Publication

Working when others have a day off - weekend working by employees

Fact Sheet 2014

New temporal demands are changing the working environment: due to internet sales, global trade and the variously motivated demand for extended opening hours, employees increasingly have to work at the weekend in Germany as well. Thus, below the findings of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2012 on …

To the Publication

After work to the second job!? - Multiple jobholding of employees

Fact Sheet 2014

The importance of new forms of employment is growing in the changing world of work. This can also be accompanied by new or specific stress factors. It was reported in the Stress Report 2012 that multiple stress factors can have a negative effect on the health of employees. If employees have …

To the Publication

Demographic change at work - Heavy physical work puts more strain on older people

Fact Sheet 2014

Fewer younger people, more elderly people. This change in the size and age structure of the population is referred to as a demographic change. This trend affects the working environment in particular. The working population, that is, employees, the unemployed, selfemployed, freelancers or unpaid …

To the Publication

Working non-stop? - A plea for breaks

Fact Sheet 2015

The Stress Report Germany 2012 shows clearly that employed persons are frequently confronted with mental demands. It is therefore all the more important to pay attention to sufficient recreation. However, nowadays over one quarter of employed persons do not have a break during work. This Factsheet …

To the Publication

Working conditions in temporary employment

Fact Sheet 2014

Temporary employment, part-time employment, marginal employment, fixed-term employment - these so-called atypical forms of employment have been increased since the 1990s. The report "Safety and health at work 2012" shows that in Germany one in five persons are in employment arrangements of this …

To the Publication

Can You Take It? - Physically Hard Work still in the News

Fact Sheet 2014

The BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey in 2006 showed that strenuous physical demands like heavy lifting and carrying can be found not only in production and the building sector, but also in the services industry (e.g. nursing). Although there are now many tools available for facilitating work (e.g. load …

To the Publication

Pressure of time, multitasking and others - Working conditions with high stress potential

Fact Sheet 2013

The Stress Report Germany 2012 shows impressively that great mental requirements are imposed on German employees. Some of these requirements make the work appear particularly intensive and demanding and can therefore be summarised as "work intensity". Research shows that permanently high work …

To the Publication

To the topic