Fatal Work Accidents

Every year fatal work accidents occur in Germany. We collect and evaluate the corresponding data and identify areas of accident hazards to derive preventive approaches. Here, we provide you with information on how we collect our data.

Since 1978, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has been collecting and evaluating data on fatal accidents at work in the commercial sector (excluding mining and public roads). The basis for the accident analysis and statistical evaluation is a comprehensive examination sheet. The responsible authority for occupational and health shall fill it out after a fatal accident and send it to BAuA.

Since there is no legal obligation to report to BAuA but to employer's liability insurance association, BAuA data sets cannot cover the entirity of fatal accidents in Germany. There may be deviations between the statistics of the employer's liability insurance association and BAuA. For example in the years 2013 to 2023 1,611 accidents were known to BAuA for detailed evaluation, while the employer's liability insurance association presents 4,545 accidents for the same period, not yet including the figures from 2023.

Fatal Work Accidents

Survey sheet

The current survey sheet in version 2 collects the data on fatal accident in the following categories.

  • Accident event,
  • Information on the person concerned,
  • Company organisation and work order,
  • Equipment, technical facilites and hazardous substances involved,
  • Workplace,
  • Operational and administrative consequences,
  • Description of the course of events leading to the accident.

Data evaluation

On the basis of the available data, we determine the main causes of accidents, the most frequent hazards and types of injury. Our interpretations provide information on the categories of accident-prone people, company sizes and the work equipment involved. For example, almost 40 percent of all fatal accidents reported to BAuA occur on building sites. About 575 construction site accidents involved more than 130 times building vehicles, for example wheel loaders. Every year BAuA publishes interpretations of the fatal accidents at work in their report on dangerous products. We are happy to answer your individual data requests.

Fatal Work Accidents with and without product-reference

For further information please refer to our German Website.

Further information


Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Unit 2.1 "Basics of Product Safety"
Postbox 17 02 02
44061 Dortmund

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