The CLH Process for the Harmonised Classification and Labelling of Substances

The CLP Regulation dictates the way in which hazardous substances and mixtures are classified and labelled uniformly throughout the European Union. For certain substances, the legislator is able to stipulate a harmonised classification and labelling. In this context, we can submit proposals either for substances that so far have not been classified in a harmonised way, or to amend existing classification and labelling.

Why is a substance classified and labelled?

The classification and labelling of substances show the risk that they can pose. It is the basis for adoption of measures for safe use. It must therefore be communicated in the supply chain.

To protect the worker, it is primarily necessary to consider the hazards due to physical properties and the human health hazards.

What types of hazards exist?

Hazardous substances can pose a hazard to people and the environment in different ways. The hazard types are differentiated as follows:

  • Physical hazards
    (e.g. flammability, risk of explosion)
  • Health hazards (e.g. carcinogenicity, skin corrosion/irritation) and
  • Environmental Hazards
    (e.g. toxicity to aquatic life).

The CLH process

For certain substances, the legislator is able to stipulate a mandatory classification and labelling: the harmonised classification and labelling. This can be founded in Annex VI of CLP Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008.

The CLP Regulation specifies the way in which the European-wide harmonisation of the classification and labelling of hazardous substances works. The Member States (including Germany) are able to submit proposals to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the harmonisation of the classification and labelling or propose amendments to an existing classification. This occurs in the form of a CLH dossier.

Contribution of the REACH Assessment Unit OSH

The REACH Assessment Unit OSH identifies substances for a harmonised classification and participates in the discussion of the toxicological studies relating to hazards to human health. It discusses and comments on both German proposals for classification as well as proposals from other Member States.

Other tasks

Further Information