Biomonitoring of Employees

Employees who are exposed to hazardous substances at their workplace can absorb them in their bodies. Absorption of this kind is examined and assessed using biomonitoring.

Varnisher at work
© Uwe Völkner, Fotoagentur FOX

Biomonitoring enables the identification of individual stresses, and contributes to the assessment of working conditions and the checking of the effectiveness of occupational safety measures. Its goal is to prevent damage to health due to chemical substances.

Part of occupational medicine

The use of biomonitoring requires specific knowledge of hazardous substances and detailed insights into the work situation of the person under examination. It is also necessary to take individual factors which can influence the absorption and the resulting stresses and hazards into account. Company doctors are responsible for the biomonitoring of employees.

The application and development of biomonitoring processes at BAuA

BAuA uses biomonitoring to research current issues surrounding the employees' exposure to substances. In this respect, it develops new methods of analysis and makes contributions about the use of biomonitoring in occupational practice.