The safe filling of bulk materials

Workers may be exposed to dust that is released when bulk materials are filled in containers. Appropriate measures are therefore necessary to protect workers who carry out these tasks. Follow the links below to read and watch videos about how these measures work and what action needs to be taken.

It is common for containers to be filled with bulk materials in many enterprises and a wide range of industries. Dust of various particle sizes is released into workplace air during such activities. Appropriate measures consequently have to be taken in order to protect workers against the respirable and inhalable particle fraction, as well as hazardous substances that may be present in the dust.

Videos of good working practice

Nine short videos have been produced in the course of this project. They explain effective protective measures that can be taken when bulk materials are filled in powder flasks, jerrycans, sacks and big bags. Effective and inadequate protective measures are illustrated and compared using a direct-reading device that measures airborne particles. The short videos can be used by companies for training and instruction purposes.

Manual filling of bulk materials in powder flasks using a hand shovel

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Stationary filling of bulk materials in jerrycans, sacks and big bags at a filling station

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Investigation of the concentration of airborne particles during filling of containers with bulk material

Article 2020

(in German)

Filling of containers with bulk material is a widespread activity in many enterprises and branches. Using the measurement strategy developed for filling of containers with organic liquids, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) investigated filling of bulk material into …

To the Publication

Research Project

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