User Guide to the eBIOMELD Electronic Form

Quantity notification procedure (biocidal products made available on the market)

In this notification procedure, you notify the annual quantity of biocidal products made available on the market in Germany or exported.

The Biocide Law Implementation Ordinance (Biozidrechts-Durchführungsverordnung, ChemBiozidDV) introduced a notification procedure under which the annual quantity of biocidal products made available on the market in Germany or exported must be notified. Manufacturers or importers who make biocidal products available on the market in Germany or export them are required to notify the relevant quantities. The notification is to be submitted annually by 31 March for the previous year.

Overview quantity notifications © BAuA


The quantity notifications you have previously submitted are listed under "Overview" (Übersicht).

The "Export entire list" (Gesamte Liste exportieren) button allows you to export an entire list of the quantity notifications submitted with your user account in the ".CSV" format.

Overview quantity notifications © BAuA

Quantity notification (transitional measures)

This form must be used to submit the quantity notification for biocidal products that are currently made available on the market in Germany under the transitional measures without an application having been submitted.

Form quantity notifications © BAuA

In the first step, the trade name, the registration number (N-XXXXXX), and the product quantity in the selected unit of measure are entered. The "Next" (Weiter) button is used to continue to the second step.

Form quantity notifications © BAuA

In the second step, enter the active substance concentration in the selected unit of measure for the active substance, which can be found using the active substance search. To select the desired active substance, mark the applicable entry by clicking on the circle to the right at the end of the corresponding line.

Click on "Next" (Weiter) to continue from the quantity notification to the third step, in which the associated product type(s) is/are selected.

The product type(s) is/are selected here by ticking the checkbox(es) to its/their left.

Form quantity notifications © BAuA

Click on "Next" (Weiter) to reach the step where you conclude or extend the procedure. Here, you have the options of reviewing the information entered, deleting the active substance entered, adding another active substance, or submitting the notification by clicking on "Send quantity notification" (Mengenmeldung abschicken).

To add another active substance, please click on the "Add another active substance" (Weiteren Wirkstoff hinzufügen) button. You will then go through the steps described above again.

Form quantity notifications © BAuA


Please bear in mind that it is currently not possible to transfer the notification data from the transitional measures products database. This is why you have to copy these data to the quantity notification.

Quantity notification (applied for authorisation/authorised)

This form must be used to submit the quantity notification for biocidal products that are subject to an ongoing decision-making procedure consequent upon an application for authorisation that has already been submitted in due time or for which an authorisation has already been granted.

Form quantity notifications (applied for authorisation/authorised) © BAuA

In the first step, the trade name, the R4BP case number or authorisation number, and the product quantity in the selected unit of measure are entered. Click on "Next" (Weiter) to continue to the second step.

Form quantity notifications (applied for authorisation/authorised) © BAuA

In the second step, enter the active substance concentration in the selected unit of measure for the active substance, which can be found in this step using the active substance search. To select the desired active substance, mark the applicable entry by clicking on the circle to the right at the end of the corresponding line.

The "Next" (Weiter) button takes you to the third step, in which the associated product type(s) is/are selected.

Here, the product type(s) is/are selected by ticking the correct checkbox(es) to its/their left.

Form quantity notifications (applied for authorisation/authorised) © BAuA

The "Next" (Weiter) button takes you to the step where you conclude or extend the procedure. Here, you have the options of reviewing the information entered, deleting the active substance entered, adding another active substance, or submitting the notification by clicking on "Send quantity notification" (Mengenmeldung abschicken).

To add another active substance, please click on "Add another active substance" (Weiteren Wirkstoff hinzufügen). You will then go through the steps described above again.

Form quantity notifications (applied for authorisation/authorised) © BAuA

Quantity notification (export)

A separate form is available for biocidal products that are exported.

Quantity notifications (export) © BAuA

In the first step, the trade name, the registration number (if available), the R4BP case number and/or authorisation number (if available), and the product quantity in the selected unit of measure are entered. Click on "Next" (Weiter) to continue to the second step.

Quantity notifications (export) © BAuA

In the second step, enter the active substance concentration in the selected unit of measure for the active substance, which can be found using the active substance search. To select the entry, mark it by ticking the checkbox at the end of the line where the desired active substance is listed.

In this form, it is possible to store information on a user-defined active substance. This allows you to specify active substances in the notification procedure that have not been or will not be approved under the Biocidal Products Regulation and are therefore not available in the actual selection list.

Quantity notification © BAuA

The "Next" (Weiter) button takes you to the next step, where the associated product type(s) is/are selected.

Here, the product type(s) is/are selected by ticking the correct checkbox(es) to its/their left.

Quantity notification © BAuA

The "Next" (Weiter) button takes you to the step where you conclude or extend the procedure. Here, you have the options of reviewing the information entered, deleting the active substance entered, adding another active substance, or submitting the notification by clicking on "Send quantity notification" (Mengenmeldung abschicken).

To add another active substance, please click on "Add another active substance" (Weiteren Wirkstoff hinzufügen). You will then go through the steps described above again.

Quantity notification © BAuA

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