Answers to frequently asked general questions on Article 95 (active substance source)

How should the active substance supplier be indicated in the notification pursuant to the ChemBiozidDV? Is it sufficient to indicate the company here, or is a letter from the supplier of the active substance(s) required? How is conformity with Article 95 of the Biocidal Products Regulation confirmed?

For the indication of the active substance source, a selection of the data stored in the system is provided on the basis of the Article 95 list administered by the ECHA.
At the time of notification, at least one of the entries available here must be selected for each active substance/product type combination included in the notification. It is not necessary to confirm the supplier(s).

Please have appropriate evidence ready to present to the supervisory authorities upon request. Please update your notifications if the supplier(s) of the active substance(s) has/have changed.

ChemBiozidDV FAQ 19