RAB 33 General Principles according to Section 4 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act during application of the Construction Sites Ordinance

[BArbBl. 3/2004, p. 65 ff.]
as of: 12.11.2003

The Rules for Occupational Safety and Health on Construction Sites (RAB) reflect the state of the art with regard to safety and health protection on construction sites. They are drawn up by the Committee for Safety and Health Protection on Construction Sites (ASGB) and are adapted by this Committee in accordance with developments.

The RAB rules are published by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour in the Federal Journal (Bundesarbeitsblatt BArbBl.).

The present document RAB 33 describes how the General Principles under section 4 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) are taken into account and how they are co-ordinated during the planning of execution and how the application of the General Principles is co-ordinated during the execution of construction projects by the relevant persons addressed as they fulfil the obligations of the Construction Sites Ordinance (BaustellV).


  • 1 Preliminary remarks
  • 2 Area of application
  • 3 Definitions
  • 4 Responsibilities
  • 5 Duties of client and co-ordinator
  • 5.1 Adherence to and co-ordination of the Principles during the planning of the execution of a construction project
  • 5.2 Co-ordination of the application of the Principles during the execution of a construction project

Please download the complete RAB 33 "General Principles according to Section 4 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act during application of the Construction Sites Ordinance".


RAB 33 "General Principles according to Section 4 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act during application of the Construction Sites Ordinance"

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