Safety and Health at Work - Reporting Year 2022 - Report on Accident Prevention at Work

(in German)

The report Safety and Health at Work - Reporting Year 2022 (Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit - Berichtsjahr 2022) describes developments in the state of occupational safety and health in Germany, some aspects of which continue to be overshadowed by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences. Alongside contributions from various occupational safety and health (OSH) actors discussing their activities, numerous statistics are presented, for example on employment, trends in accidents at work and occupational diseases, pensions, and incapacity for work. This year’s focus section, "Towards an inclusive world of work", provides an overview of the employment situation of people with disabilities, as well as the kinds of provision that can help to enhance their employability and participation in the labour market. In addition, the report offers insights into the work situation of men and women (section 1.8.1), the health and well-being of employees (section 1.8.2), shortened rest periods, working time flexibility, and health (section 1.9.1), and hybrid working/collaboration among office workers (section 1.9.2).

844,284 notifiable work-related accidents occurred in Germany during 2022, which was 21,325 fewer than the preceding year. The accident rate per 1,000 full-time-equivalent employees was 19.0 and therefore lower than in all previous years (including 2020 and 2021, which were affected by the pandemic, lockdowns and short-time work). The same also applies to the number of new accident pensions, which was at its lowest level since records began, both in absolute terms (12,165) and as a rate per 1,000 full time equivalent employees (0.27). 533 people died as a result of fatal accidents at work in 2022.

The development of the indicators for occupational diseases continues to be influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. At 374,461, the number of notifications of suspected cases of occupational diseases was once again markedly higher than in the previous year (232,206). The proportion of these notifications related to infectious diseases (79%) was also higher in the reporting year than in 2021 (66%). Similar trends were apparent in the statistics for recognised cases of occupational diseases (201,723 v. 126,213), which also included an increased proportion of infectious diseases (90% v. 81%). By contrast, the number of fatalities due to occupational diseases (2,164) was noticeably lower than the previous year (2,559) and before the pandemic in 2019 (2,581). A large proportion of these deaths were due to asbestos-related occupational diseases (62%). About 2 per cent are attributable to infectious diseases.

As a result of several waves of colds in the first and fourth quarters of 2022, respiratory diseases accounted for the largest proportion of days of incapacity for work (20%), more than musculoskeletal disorders, connective tissue diseases, and mental and behavioural disorders.

Please note that the reproduction and dissemination of these figures are only permitted provided their source is acknowledged. When quoted in publications of all kinds (book contributions, articles, lectures, etc.), this report must always be cited as follows: “BMAS/BAuA (2023): Safety and Health at Work - Reporting Year 2022, downloaded from”.

Please download the complete report (in German) "Safety and Health at Work - Reporting Year 2022"

Bibliographic information

Title:  Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit - Berichtsjahr 2022

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2023. 
ISBN: 978-3-88261-761-0, pages: 214, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:bericht20230817

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Further Information