REACh2SDS-Workshop Report

On September 27th and 28th in 2021 the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) hosted the REACh2SDS workshop named after the research study "From REACH registration to safety data sheets and workplace risk assessment" (F 2415). The focus was to discuss problem areas that were identified among others in the project and exchange potential solutions on improving the flow of information along the supply chains for chemicals. The keynote presentations are available for download on the BAuA website.

Over 130 participants discussed with several national and international experts regarding the benefits, quality and potential for improvement of the extended safety data sheet (eSDS) to be used also in the communication of occupational safety and health (OSH). Presentations by experts from the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), industry and the competent authorities emphasized the great importance of the information flow in the supply chain.

In workshop sessions, the individual steps of the information flow were considered in detail and highlighted on the basis of case studies and practical experiences of the participants. It was realised that the communication through the supply chain is not properly working. During the workshop, a number of problems were identified, some of which made it difficult for practitioners to implement chemical regulatory information in occupational safety and health. For example, there is a different understanding of central terms among the participants. The generic exposure scenarios generated via REACH often do not adequately reflect the practice in the companies. Information on personal protective equipment is often not specific enough.

Finally, the safety data sheets especially when extended with exposure scenarios were often perceived as too complex and extensive. The desire for harmonized digital formats was frequently expressed. They should contain binding minimum standards and improve access to the individually required information by means of content details and a clear structure. In conclusion, improvements in the eSDS are helpful and desired as well as the mutual recognition of exposure scenarios and workplace risk assessments.

Bibliographic information

Title:  REACh2SDS-Workshop Report. 

Written by:  C. Schumacher, C. Eickholt, C. M. Haverkamp, N. Godas, P. Ashton

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2022.  pages: 33, Project number: F 2415, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:bericht20220802

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Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2415 StatusCompleted Project From registration dossier via safety data sheet to workplace risk assessment - data availability and quality between REACH and occupational safety (REACh2SDS)

To the Project

Research completed