Safety, health and culture of prevention in logistics supply chains

(in German)

This research report reviews the literature on factors influencing the emergence of a culture of prevention and occupational safety and health (OSH) in supply chains in Germany and German-speaking European countries in the logistics sector. Also, approaches on OSH management within this context are reviewed. Particular consideration is given to the retail and automotive industries as purchaser sectors of logistics. The goal is to provide a knowledge basis for the development of a research project concerning the impact of outsourcing processes on OSH. We used working and employment conditions as a proxy for culture of prevention as studies explicitly targeting culture in this context were extremely rare. The overall approach and methodology to answer these questions are identical and follow a rapid review approach. Scientific data bases were systematically scanned using pre-defined search terms. We also conducted snowball search and looked for grey literature on various relevant internet sites. Experts in the field were contacted and interviewed. In total 76 relevant sources were identified including 11 industry reports and 23 studies targeting specifically regional logistic supply chains in Europe. As these were at the centre of attention they were further analysed separately within this report.

The results revealed a dominance of qualitative study designs (47 studies) in order to capture and entangle the rather complex influence mechanisms determining OSH in logistic supply chains. Factors internal and external to supply chains could be distinguished. Concerning the internal factors, structural and power issues, including business models and relationship design among tiers were identified as important determinants. Furthermore, employee characteristics and positional power issues (relating to various issues of unionization) seem to relate to working and employment conditions and OSH implementation. As far as external factors were concerned, digitalisation and technological advancements seem to increasingly shape the whole industry with respect to many issues (e. g., further enabling outsourcing processes and algorithmic supplier management). Further factors considered relevant for working conditions and OSH in supply chains seem to be market characteristics (e. g., consumer vs. business-to-business, importance of customer reputation, variability of demand), formal legislation (e. g., deregulation and liberalization) and informal regulations and agreements (industry-wide, voluntary). The overwhelming majority of studies identified negative consequences of outsourcing for employees especially among lower tier suppliers within supply chains, resulting in precarious working and employment conditions. Specific OSH issues connected to outsourcing in the logistics sector were far less prominent in the literature. 45 studies could be identified as relevant for the issue of strategies and specific approaches to steer und promote OSH within supply chains. The various approaches are outlined and evaluated with respect to the large variety of supply chains and the resulting challenges (e. g., cooperation, combination of measures). Two case studies are reported in detail. These seemed to be apt to function as best practice examples for the management of OSH on the one hand side, and as research approaches to investigate this topic on the other hand side.

The report outlines interesting research questions in the result section for each specific factor and summarizes and integrates these in the last chapter, emphasising the need to look for industry-specific patterns. Furthermore, recommendations concerning study design, methodological issues and access to the field identified in the literature are provided.

Please download the complete report "Safety, health and culture of prevention in logistics supply chains" (in German only).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Präventionskultur in Logistik-Lieferketten. Ein Rapid Review zu Auswirkungen von Flexibilisierung, Online-Handel und Digitalisierung sowie Gestaltungsparametern. A rapid review on the effects of flexibilisation, online retail, digitalisation and design parameters

Written by:  J. Gurt, G. Elke

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2022.  pages: 119, Project number: F 2539, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:bericht20220503