Current and future need for support by occupational safety and health specialists in Germany

(in German)

Occupational safety and health specialists perform an important role in occupational safety. Current research reveals deficits in the support of occupational health and safety in terms of structure and quality. The support is offered in a working environment which is subject to dynamic changes and new challenges.

The present study's aim was to examine if the current support of occupational health and safety is appropriate in order to meet the demands of the changing work environment or not. In short: Are there enough occupational safety and health specialists? Are they the "right ones"? And are they still the "right ones" in ten years' time?

Secondary analyses were performed using available data. Due to the poor quantitative data records the available data was sighted, validated and complemented with expert interviews, data query and an online survey for occupational safety and health specialists. Scenarios were created for various assumptions. The present study not only provides reliable data on the current need for support, it also gives an update on occupational safety and health specialists figures and their support capacity. The need for occupational safety and health support today ranges from 17.3 to 37.6 million hours per year depending on which scenario is used. However, the current support capacity varies from 34.8 to 61 million hours per year, meaning that all available occupational safety and health specialists - nearly 52,400 to 59,700 in total - are able to meet the current need for support. There is no evidence for a national lack of support, and neither is there evidence that there will be a lack of support in the future due to unexpected changes in demands if the highly effective capacity system survives.

The present study specifies the current and future (ten years) competences required and describes to which extent the basic and advanced training of occupational safety and health specialists enables the acquisition of competences. Furthermore, future changes in the need for support are examined. The support in occupational health and safety today already requires a broad competence profile. Specialists can acquire these competences in basic and advanced training which then enable them to at least meet the basic demands. But with new demands emerging further competences are needed. In order to help companies in managing change processes, promoting and advancing soft skills is essential. The conclusions made aim at a competency development of health and safety specialists and an advance

Please download the complete report "Current and future need for support by occupational safety and health specialists in Germany" (in German).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Bedarf an Fachkräften für Arbeitssicherheit in Deutschland. 

Written by:  C. Barth, C. Eickholt, W. Hamacher, M. Schmauder

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2017.  pages: 286, Project number: F 2388, paper, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:bericht20170921

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2388 StatusCompleted Project Analysis of the demand for supervision by OSH professionals in Germany

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Research completed