Stressors, resources and demands of self-employment without personnel and multiple job holding

(in German)

The present report is a summary of the project "Demands and resources of self-employed without personnel and multiple job holders (F 2371), funded by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). The starting point of the investigation is an increase in both forms of employment in the labor market. Previous research suggests that they can operate between precariousness and self-fulfillment. However, with respect to both forms of employment, it has not yet been clarified what characteristics operate between these poles mentioned above. Nor is there any clear evidence for the underlying motives to become a solo self-employed or a multiple jobber. A differentiation of characteristics and motives of solo self-employment and multiple job holding should allow for a sophisticated understanding of these complex processes. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge about the specific working situation of solo self-employed persons and multiple jobbers. To meet these issues, divided into three sub-projects, this project aimed to gain a systematic understanding of working conditions and the health situation of people in solo self-employment and multiple job holding.

The current state of research and analyses of existing representative data (Microcensus Survey 2014, BIBB/BAuA-Employment-Survey 2012, European Working Condition Survey 2010, Socio-Economic Panel Study 2000-2014) provided an overview of the work situation of multiple jobbers and solo self-employed persons. Various relevant contextual factors, job characteristics, health and performance parameters as well as individual characteristics of the person were identified resulting in a first typology of multiple job holding and solo self-employments based on the BIBB/BAuA-Employment-Survey 2012.

In the second sub-project qualitative interviews were conducted with multiple jobbers and solo self-employed persons. Participants were selected in accordance to the typology of the first phase of the project. Due to this selection, we ensured a detailed and in-depth analysis of the working situations, of the demands and resources, of health consequences, of desires for integration in occupational safety and health or of the alternatives used to maintain safety in multiple job holding and solo self-employment.

In the last sub-project, the feasibility of large quantitative surveys of multiple jobbers and solo self-employed persons according to the first and second project phase was examined. The focus here was on exploring potential ways to generate such a sample and to implement a survey. This report focuses mainly on the results of the second sub-project. Particularly relevant results from the first sub-project are presented. The feasibility study (sub-project 3) is not part of this report.

Please download the complete report "Stressors, resources and demands of self-employment without personnel and multiple job holding" (in German only).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Belastungsfaktoren, Ressourcen und Beanspruchungen bei Solo­selbstständigen und Mehrfach­beschäftigten

Written by:  M. U. Kottwitz, K. Otto, L. Hünefeld

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2019.  pages: 214, Project number: F 2371, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:bericht20190725

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2371 StatusCompleted Project Demands and resources of self-employment without personnel and multiple job holding

To the Project

Research completed