Development of a didactic concept for the Easy-to-use Workplace Control Scheme for Hazardous Substances (EMKG - Workplace & Chemicals)

(in German)

The easy-to-use control scheme for hazardous substances (EMKG) is one of the most known and most popular products of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). About ten years after the release of EMKG 1.0, the BAuA aspires to revise it in form of the project EMKG 3.0. Asides from a further technical expansion the EMKG is in need for the redesign of the didactic concept.

The new didactic concept aims for a wider dissemination and a further practical implementation. Ultimately it is about supporting the SME in a proper assessment of chemical hazards and to hand them a Control Banding Tool.

In order to develop a didactic concept which is adapted for the different target groups, the EMKG is approached by a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods. Therefore different methods are combined. On the one hand the perspective of experts must be evaluated to find out there requirements for an adequate assessment of activities pertaining hazardous substances. On the other the needs of qualified personnel and multipliers concerning the EMKG and in general an instrument to assess activities pertaining hazardous substances must be captured.

Based on a differentiated target group reflection, the gained knowledge was classified and the didactic guidelines, recommendations concerning the product design and dissemination were derived.

It is crucial to straighten out which competences are demanded from a user of the EMKG. Subsequently, the suitable measures to support the competence development can be elaborated.

The report results in conclusions of overriding importance for the strategic development of the EMKG and the promotion of the safe and health-oriented handling of hazardous substances in the SME.

Please download the complete report "Development of a didactic concept for the Easy-to-use Workplace Control Scheme for Hazardous Substances (EMKG - Workplace & Chemicals)" (in German only).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Entwicklung eines Didaktikkonzeptes für das Einfache Maßnahmenkonzept Gefahrstoffe EMKG 3.0. 

Written by:  C. Eickholt, S. Blanco

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2014.  pages: 240, Project number: F 2314, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:bericht20141211

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2314 StatusCompleted Project Easy-to-use workplace control scheme for hazardous substances 3.0 - Technical and didactical revision of the overall concept

To the Project

Research completed