Working from home in the corona crisis: What's next?

During the corona crisis, and especially during the period of strict lockdown, many companies have used working from home to comply with rules on hygiene and social distancing. As a result, the proportion of employees authorised to work from home has increased significantly in many companies (Bellmann et al., 2020). The survey "Establishments in the COVID-19 crisis", commissioned by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) suggests that many companies will continue to use or even will expand working from home after the corona crisis has ended. They see advantages in more flexibility for their employees and a better work-life balance. At the same time they expect to enhance employer attractiveness. In companies where working from home has been less common and no increase is planned, the nature of an employee’s work is often cited as the primary obstacle to working from home.

English translation. German original version available: doi:10.21934/baua:berichtkompakt20201123

Bibliographic information

Title:  Working from home in the corona crisis: What's next?. 

Written by:  N. Backhaus, A. Tisch, C. Kagerl, L. Pohlan

in: baua: Report brief 1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2021.  pages: 4, Project number: F 2514, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:reportbrief20201123

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Research Project

Project numberF 2514 StatusCompleted Project Establishments in the COVID 19 crisis (BeCovid Study)

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