Working Time Report Germany - Working from Home

More than half of employees were working from home for at least some of their working time during the pandemic. Among employees with office jobs, the proportion was as high as 76 per cent. They were also almost twice as likely to have an agreement to work from home as dependent employees as a whole. Analysis of the BAuA Working Time Survey 2021 shows that employees without a work-from-home agreement are at higher risk of experiencing an unhealthy blurring of temporal boundaries between work and private life. This and other results are presented in the current Working Time Report Germany.

English translation. German original version available: doi:10.21934/baua:berichtkompakt20230509

Bibliographic information

Title:  Working Time Report Germany - Working from Home. 

Written by:  I. Entgelmeier, A. Tisch

in: baua: Report brief 1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2023.  pages: 3, Project number: F 2507, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:reportbrief20230509

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Further Publications

Working Time Report Germany: Results of the BAuA-Working Time Survey 2021

baua: Report 2023

(in German)

Working time is not only a key factor for safety and health at work, but also largely determines when and how much time we have for recovery, leisure, and private life. Due to changes in the world of work, not least accelerated by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, working time arrangements have repeatedly …

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Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2507 StatusCompleted Project Working time reporting in Germany: Scientific analyses of the BAuA working time survey on current topics

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Research completed