Built-in safety - Safe design of hand-held and hand-operated laser tools

Hand-held and hand-operated laser tools (HLTs) for material processing are established in a number of fields of application in addition to automated laser systems.

HLTs are used in mechanical and plant engineering as well as in the automotive industry, shipbuilding and monument restoration.

Bibliographic information

Title:  Built-in safety - Safe design of hand-held and hand-operated laser tools

1. edition.  Dortmund: , 2023.  pages: 2, Project number: F 2158, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:guidancebrief20230602

Download file "Built-in safety - Safe design of hand-held and hand-operated laser tools" (PDF, 270 KB, Barrier-free file)

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2158 StatusCompleted Project Safety installations for hand-guided laser machining

To the Project

Research completed