Demographic Changes in the Working World

The world of work is undergoing comprehensive changes. These include the structural change - almost three out of four workers are employed in the service sector - and more complex work demands, as well as a changing employment behaviour. Demographic change in this context represents a driver, i.e. the challenges of the world of work need to be managed with an older and shrinking workforce. Here the preventive measures, such as the humane design of working conditions, stand in the foreground, to sustain the employees' ability to work in the course of their employment.

Bibliographic information

Title:  Demographic Changes in the Working World. 

Written by:  G. Richter, S. Bode, B. Köper

2014.  pages: 11, PDF file

Download file "Demographic Changes in the Working World" (PDF, 176 KB, Not barrier-free file)

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