After work to the second job!? - Multiple jobholding of employees

The importance of new forms of employment is growing in the changing world of work. This can also be accompanied by new or specific stress factors. It was reported in the Stress Report 2012 that multiple stress factors can have a negative effect on the health of employees. If employees have several jobs at the same time, different stress factors might accumulate. This Factsheet reports findings of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2012 on multiple jobholding. Along with the extent of multiple jobholding by employees, it will be shown which groups of persons have several jobs, and how weekly working hours are connected with multiple jobholding.

Bibliographic information

Title:  After work to the second job!? - Multiple jobholding of employees. BIBB/BAuA-Factsheet 06

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2014.  pages: 2, PDF file

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