Coding of occupational information in the baseline examination of the Gutenberg Health Study using the German Classification of Occupations KldB 2010 - Presentation of the procedure and the data quality

(in German)

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft", Volume 68, No. 3, pp. 153-161: "Coding of occupational information in the baseline examination of the Gutenberg Health Study using the German Classification of Occupations KldB 2010 - Presentation of the procedure and the data quality" (charges may apply).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Codierung der Tätigkeitsangaben im Basiskollektiv der Gutenberg-Gesundheitsstudie unter Anwendung der Klassifikation der Berufe KldB 2010 - Darstellung des Vorgehens und der Datenqualität

Written by:  M. Prigge, M. Köhr, N. Pfeiffer, M. Blettner, M. Beutel, P. S. Wild, T. Münzel, S. Blankenberg, A. Seidler, S. Letzel, U. Latza, F. Liebers

in: Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft : ZfA, Volume 68, No. 3, 2014.  pages: 153-161, Project number: F 2235, DOI: 10.1007/BF03374441

Research Project

Project numberF 2235 StatusCompleted Project Work-related risk factors for cardiovascular diseases

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