Fraction of poor mental health attributable to psychosocial working conditions: the role of the combined experience

The complete article "Fraction of poor mental health attributable to psychosocial working conditions: the role of the combined experience" is a chapter of the Book of proceedings. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology "Contributions of OHP to social justice", Granada 2024 (p. 554-555).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Fraction of poor mental health attributable to psychosocial working conditions: the role of the combined experience. 

Written by:  H. Burr, P. Conway, I. Schöllgen

in: Book of proceedings. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology "Contributions of OHP to social justice", Granada 2024 / F. Frost, K. Teoh, F. St-Hilaire, A. Denman, C. Leduc, M. Muñoz (Eds.) Nottingham:  EAOHP, 2024.  pages: 554-555, Project number: F 2460

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2460 StatusCompleted Project Project bundle: Longitudinal study of mental health at work (S-MGA II): A Study on etiological associations between working conditions, mental health and work ability

To the Project

Research completed