Synthesis and validation algorithm followed by a weighting procedure to create a detailed anthropometric dataset for the German working-age population

For the German working-age population no publicly available and detailed anthropometric raw dataset exists, although several studies have collected anthropometric datasets. Unfortunately, the publication of raw data may be restricted by data usage regulations. This study presents a synthesis and validation algorithm to create a virtual copy of an already existing dataset. A detailed anthropometric dataset from a regional epidemiological public-health study in Germany was used for the synthesis and validation algorithm. Results revealed only minor deviations within the validation process. Compared to the original dataset, the virtual dataset was statistically almost identical. In a next step, the virtual dataset was weighted to approximate nationally representative values. In summary, the computed unweighted and weighted virtual data can be published without restrictions and used for ergonomic designing. Furthermore, the synthesis and validation algorithm is suitable for the generation of virtual copies and can be applied to other detailed anthropometric datasets.

Practitioner Summary: Data usage regulations may restrict the publication of anthropometric datasets. A synthesis and validation algorithm was developed which can be applied to existing anthropometric datasets to create a virtual copy that is almost identical and can be published. In the current study this algorithm was used for data from Germany.

This article is published in the Journal "Ergonomics" (2023).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Synthesis and validation algorithm followed by a weighting procedure to create a detailed anthropometric dataset for the German working-age population

Written by:  A. Ackermann, D. Bonin, T. Jaitner, M. Peters, D. Radke, S. Wischniewski

in: Ergonomics, 2023.  pages: 1-13, Project number: F 2446, DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2023.2284672

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Research Project

Project numberF 2446 StatusOngoing Project Digital Ergonomics - Developing a method for analysis, visualization and long-term usage of complex anthropometric data for product and work-system design

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Research ongoing