Influence of the human field of view on visual and non-visual quantities in indoor environments

The visual and non-visual effectiveness of light is often determined by measuring the spectrally weighed irradiance on the corneal plane. This is typically achieved using spectral irradiance or illuminance measurements, captured in a hemispheric geometry with a diffuser. However, the human binocular field of view (FOV) is not a perfect hemisphere, as it is occluded both upward and downward. Previous research on FOV-restricted measurements is limited, leaving the error from using hemispheric measurements for non-visual quantities undefined. In our study, we tackled this issue by designing and 3D printing FOV occlusions as attachments to spectral measurement devices.

The article was originally published in "Clocks & Sleep" (2023).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Influence of the human field of view on visual and non-visual quantities in indoor environments. 

Written by:  J. Zauner, K. Broszio, K. Bieske

in: Clocks & Sleep, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2023.  pages: 476-498, Project number: F 2496, DOI: 10.3390/clockssleep5030032

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Research Project

Project numberF 2496 StatusCompleted Project Non-visual effectiveness of light at night as a function of the light direction

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