Is Brevity the Soul of Wit? Comparing Associations of PSC-4 vs. the Full PSC With Work- and Health-Related Outcome Measures in Germany

The complete article "Is Brevity the Soul of Wit? Comparing Associations of PSC-4 vs. the Full PSC With Work- and Health-Related Outcome Measures in Germany" is a chapter of the Book of proceedings. 15th Conference of the EAOHP "Supporting knowledge comparison to promote good practice in occupational health psychology", 6-8 July 2022, Bordeaux (p. 108-109).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Is Brevity the Soul of Wit? Comparing Associations of PSC-4 vs. the Full PSC With Work- and Health-Related Outcome Measures in Germany. 

Written by:  M. Ertel, M. Formazin, N. Kersten, M. Nübling

in: Book of proceedings. 15th Conference of the EAOHP "Supporting knowledge comparison to promote good practice in occupational health psychology", 6-8 July 2022, Bordeaux / K. Teoh, F. Frost, J. Singh, M. Charalampous, M. Muñoz (Eds.) Nottingham:  EAOHP, 2022.  pages: 108-109, Project number: F 2401

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2401 StatusCompleted Project Psychosocial Safety Climate (PSC) - Advancement and validation of a tool to assess preparedness to protect workers' psychological health at the organisational level.
A BAuA contribution as WHO-CC

To the Project

Research completed