Effects of light on attention during the day: spectral composition and exposure duration

The aim of the study is to investigate effects of light on attention during the day. In particular, changes in spectral composition and prolonged exposure durations are analyzed. The study design was developed to explicitly refer to working days of fulltime daytime workers and therefore increase the transferability to real-life work situations. A combination of subjective scales and psychomotoric tasks is used to address different types of cognitive processes and get a holistic picture of the attentional state. In general, this study contributes to a more precise description of alerting effects of light that may lead to lighting designs that actively support employees at their workplace in the future.

The complete article is published in "Lux junior 2021: 15. Internationales Forum für den lichttechnischen Nachwuchs, 04. - 06. Juni 2021, Ilmenau: Tagungsband" (2021).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Effects of light on attention during the day: spectral composition and exposure duration. 

Written by:  H. Rolf, L. Udovicic, S. Völker

in: Lux junior 2021: 15. Internationales Forum für den lichttechnischen Nachwuchs, 04. - 06. Juni 2021, Ilmenau: Tagungsband Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2021.  pages: 211-223, Project number: F 2448, PDF file, DOI: 10.22032/dbt.49330

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Research Project

Project numberF 2448 StatusCompleted Project Effect of light on the alertness during the day: Dependence on the spectral composition of light and the exposure time

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Research completed