A human risk banding scheme for high aspect-ratio materials

The complete article "A human risk banding scheme for high aspect-ratio materials" is a chapter of the book "Synthetic Nano- and Microfibers".

Bibliographic information

Title:  A human risk banding scheme for high aspect-ratio materials. 

Written by:  D. Broßell, A. Meyer-Plath, K. Kämpf, S. Plitzko, W. Wohlleben, B. Stahlmecke, M. Wiemann, A. Haase

in: Synthetic Nano- and Microfibers / R. M. Wagterveld, J. C.M. Marijnissen, L. Gradon , A. Moskal (Eds.) Leeuwarden:  Wetsus, 2020.  pages: 55-79, Project number: F 2480

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2480 StatusCompleted Project Innovative Materials and New Production Processes: Safety in the Life Cycle and Industrial Value Creation

To the Project

Research completed