OECD test guidelines development for chemicals safety assessment of nanomaterials

The complete article "OECD test guidelines development for chemicals safety assessment of nanomaterials" is a chapter of the Book "NanoWorkshop 2018: Workshop on Reference Nanomaterials".

Bibliographic information

Title:  OECD test guidelines development for chemicals safety assessment of nanomaterials. 

Written by:  K. Schwirn, D. Völker, J. Ahtiainen, A. Schmidt , H. Bresch, K. Kämpf, V. Bachmann, T. A. J. Kuhlbusch

in: NanoWorkshop 2018: Workshop on Reference Nanomaterials. Current situation and needs: development, measurement, standardization / H. Bosse, E. Buhr, T. Dziomba, V.-D. Hodoroaba, T. Klein, M. Krumrey (Eds.) Braunschweig:  Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 2018.  pages: 47

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