Work stress and risk of cancer: meta-analysis of 5700 incident cancer events in 116 000 European men and women

The complete article "Work stress and risk of cancer: meta-analysis of 5700 incident cancer events in 116 000 European men and women" can be downloaded at the website of the Journal "BMJ", 346, pp. 165 ff. (charges may apply).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Work stress and risk of cancer: meta-analysis of 5700 incident cancer events in 116 000 European men and women. 

Written by:  K. Heikkilä, S. T. Nyberg, T. Theorell, E. I. Fransson, L. Alfredsson, J. B. Bjorner, S. Bonenfant, M. Borritz, K. Bouillon, H. Burr, et al.

in: BMJ 346, 2013.  pages: 165, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.f165