The new TRGS 554 "Exhausts of diesel engines" - Advice for its application
(in German)
The Technical Rule for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) "Exhausts of diesel engines" was revised by the German Committee on Hazardous Substance (AGS) and published in 2019. Especially, the new occupational exposure limits (OELs) for diesel engine emis sions, and nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide required this revision. Additionally, new developments in engine technology and exhaust after treatment have been considered. This publication is aimed to help the user of this TRGS in practice.
This article is published in the Journal "Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft", Volume 79, Issue 6, pp. 247-254.
Please download the article "The new TRGS 554 'Exhausts of diesel engines' - Advice for its application" (in German only).
Bibliographic information
Title: Die neue TRGS 554 "Abgase von Dieselmotoren" - Hinweise zur Anwendung.
in: Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, Volume 79, Issue 7-8, 2019. pages: 247-254, Project number: F 2307