Psychosocial Safety Climate and its Assessment in Germany - Preliminary Results

The complete article "Psychosocial Safety Climate and its Assessment in Germany - Preliminary Results" is a chapter of the Book of Proceedings. 13th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology "Adapting to rapid changes in today's workplace" (5.-7. September 2018) (p. 402).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Psychosocial Safety Climate and its Assessment in Germany - Preliminary Results. 

Written by:  M. Formazin, M. Ertel

in: Book of Proceedings. 13th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology "Adapting to rapid changes in today's workplace", 5.-7.9.2018, Lisboa / K. Teoh, N. Saade, V. Dediu, J. Hassard, L. Torres (Eds.) Nottingham:  EAOHP, 2018.  pages: 402

Further Information