MAK Commission: Sampling and analysis of substances and substance mixtures which may occur simultaneously as vapours and particles in workplace air [Air Monitoring Methods, 2018]

The complete article "MAK Commission: Sampling and analysis of substances and substance mixtures which may occur simultaneously as vapours and particles in workplace air [Air Monitoring Methods, 2018]" can be downloaded at the Wiley Online Library website (charges may apply).

Bibliographic information

Title:  MAK Commission: Sampling and analysis of substances and substance mixtures which may occur simultaneously as vapours and particles in workplace air [Air Monitoring Methods, 2018]. 

Written by:  D. Breuer, C.-G. Dragan, R. Hebisch, R. Bartsch, Y. Giesen, W. Krämer, L. Nitschke, G. Nitz, K.‐H. Pannwitz, M. Tschickardt, T. H. Brock, A. Hartwig

in: The MAK Collection for Occupational Health and Safety, Vol 3, No 3, 2018.  pages: 1628-1662, DOI: 10.1002/3527600418.amsampmixe1918

Further Publications

MAK Commission: Sampling and analysis of substances and substance mixtures which may occur simultaneously as vapours and particles in workplace air [Air Monitoring Methods in German language, 2018]

Article 2018

(in German)

The complete article "MAK Commission: Sampling and analysis of substances and substance mixtures which may occur simultaneously as vapours and particles in workplace air [Air Monitoring Methods in German language, 2018]" can be downloaded at the Wiley Online Library website (charges may apply).

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Further Information