12-month trajectories of depressive symptoms among nurses - Contribution of personality, job characteristics, coping, and burnout

The complete article "12-month trajectories of depressive symptoms among nurses - Contribution of personality, job characteristics, coping, and burnout" can be downloaded at the website of the "Journal of Affective Disorders", Volume 234, pp. 67-73 (charges may apply).

Bibliographic information

Title:  12-month trajectories of depressive symptoms among nurses - Contribution of personality, job characteristics, coping, and burnout. 

Written by:  W. Duan-Porter, D. Hatch, J. F. Pendergast, G. Freude, U. Rose, H. Burr, G. Müller, P. Martus, A. Pohrt, G. Potter

in: Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 234, 2018.  pages: 67-73, Project number: F 2250, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.02.090

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2250 StatusCompleted Project Development of an empirical basis for work and functional health - sample survey among employees

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