Advanced robotics and AI-based systems in the workplace: OSH challenges and opportunities originating from actual implementations

The Publication "Advanced robotics and AI-based systems in the workplace: OSH challenges and opportunities originating from actual implementations"can be purchased at the website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Advanced robotics and AI-based systems in the workplace: OSH challenges and opportunities originating from actual implementations. Policy Brief

Written by:  E. Heinold, P. H. Rosen, S. Wischniewski

Bilbao:  EU-OSHA, 2023.  pages: 5, Project number: F 2526, PDF file

Research Project

Project numberF 2526 StatusCompleted Project Overview of Policies, Research and Practices in Relation to Advanced Robotics and AI-based Systems for Automation of Tasks and Occupational Safety and Health

To the Project

Research completed