
Here you can find selected publications published by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) in cooperation with other institutions.

Further German-language editions of the series "Cooperation" can be found on our German website.


Most recent

Climate Change meets Occupational Safety and Health

Publishing year: 2022

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Safety Management and Nanomaterial

Publishing year: 2015

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Safe handling of nano materials and other advanced materials at workplaces

Publishing year: 2015

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First Evaluation on the Joint Research Strategy of German Governmental Research Institutions "Nanotechnology - Risks related to Nanomaterials for Humans and the Environment" (2007 - 2011)

Publishing year: 2013

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Most popular

Understanding employment participation of older workers: Creating a knowledge base for future labour market challenges

Publishing year: 2015

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Work system planning and risk assessment of fibres (CNT), which are handled in a laboratory

Publishing year: 2015

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Production of nanoscaled silicon particles at a pilot plant

Publishing year: 2015

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Production of nanoscaled zinc oxide particles in a laboratory

Publishing year: 2015

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