
The DASA Working World Exhibition is planning an interactive careers guidance event on 15 and 16 September with its JobVille.Festival. The JobVille project replaced the traditional DASA Youth Congress in 2020. It allows teachers to use DASA's resources in their careers guidance lessons, while young people are able to pick up tried-and-tested tips and ideas for starting out in the world of work.

  • Date 2021-08-26

JobVille will offer activities for young people to join in at home or in the classroom. © DASA

Exhibitors from a range of sectors will provide information for pupils aged 14 and over about how to take their first steps on the career ladder. The whole experience will be given even more practical relevance with talks, workshops, and a "talent check". Attendees will also receive a certificate for their "career choice passport", a portfolio of individualised careers information that encourages young people to reflect on their own interests and abilities. The key thing is that anyone who can’t be there on the day will be able to find out what happened during the event by watching a video report filmed at DASA. This will be ideal for integrating into careers lessons and will be available to download from 16 September.

Visitor numbers continue to be limited on site, so schools interested in attending need to sign up in good time by emailing . There are two bookable time slots (8.30 - 10.30 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.).
Comprehensive information about interactive careers guidance at DASA, the festival, and contacts for further advice can be found on the website.