Investigation of indoor air circulation to assess indoor air hygiene and to prevent infections caused by aerosol-borne pathogens (Infection prevention - Indoor air hygiene)

  • Project number: F 2582
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Ongoing Project
  • Planned end: 2028-05-31


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that there is still a considerable need for research into ventilation as an infection control strategy in companies. The project therefore aims to develop scientifically sound recommendations for suitable ventilation concepts.

To this end, existing recommendations will be systematically analysed. The recommended measures will be tested both in simulations and in experiments. For example, different ventilation strategies and air purification methods as well as the influence of masks, heating elements or partition walls on the indoor air flow and the spread of aerosols will be evaluated. Methods are also being developed that can be used to monitor indoor air hygiene during operation.

The results of the project form a basis for evidence-based recommendations for infection protection in the workplace. These recommendations and their implementation in companies will be evaluated in collaboration with national occupational safety and health committees.

Further Information


Unit 2.6 "Workplaces, Safety of Machinery, Operational Safety"

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