Overview of Policies, Research and Practices in Relation to Advanced Robotics and AI-based Systems for Automation of Tasks and Occupational Safety and Health

  • Project number: F 2526
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


Digitalisation changes the working environment and the tasks of employees. Advanced robotics as well as smart information and communication technologies (ICT) are part of these changes. Modern robotic systems can already enable close collaboration between humans and machines, supporting physical tasks. (Smart) ICT is frequently used to automate or support cognitive tasks. Both robotic systems and smart ICT often use complex algorithms or elements of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The question arises as to what extend working with these AI-based systems may impact the safety and health of employees. Therefore, it is important to know what legal requirements, strategies, and recommendations exist or are currently being planned and developed at the European and national levels to ensure occupational safety and health. The present project aimed to identify the current state of European regulations, research, and practices and to provide a detailed overview of them.

The project was carried out in three phases. In the first phase, the current state of research was summarised through structured literature reviews, a survey of the national contact points (Focal Points) of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), as well as expert interviews. The second phase focused on field research regarding the implementation and impact of AI-based systems, such as advanced robotic systems and smart ICT, in the workplace. The final phase dealt with the organisation, execution, and evaluation of an expert seminar.

The project's results will contribute to the work of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in the future. This will be done, among other things, as a core theme in the new Healthy Workplaces Campaigns 2023-2025 "Safe and healthy work in the digital age". Within the project opportunities and risks for the use of advanced robotics and AI- based systems as well as needs for action, and recommendations for OSH stakeholders were generated and evaluated from a European perspective. These findings have been published in four reports, four summary reports, eight policy briefs, eleven case studies, and five case descriptions, all of which are available for free on the websites of EU-OSHA and BAuA. In the framework of the project, BAuA, the University of Leicester, the University of Essex, and Milieu Consulting SPRL worked together. BAuA took on the leading research activities in all project phases and coordinated the joint project. The project was funded by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).


A robot automating manure cleaning to maintain hygiene in livestock (ID11)

Publishing year: 2023

Suchergebnis_Format Cooperation

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Advanced robotics and AI-based systems in the workplace: OSH challenges and opportunities originating from actual implementations

Publishing year: 2023

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Advanced robotic automation: comparative case study report

Publishing year: 2023

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Advanced robotic automation: comparative case study report (Summary)

Publishing year: 2023

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Advanced robotic systems for inspection and maintenance of gas and oil infrastructure (ID10)

Publishing year: 2023

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Advanced robotics in injection-moulded and extruded plastic products manufacturer reducing physical demanding tasks (ID13)

Publishing year: 2023

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AI-based material quality control measures (ID15)

Publishing year: 2023

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AI-based software to increase fact checking's speed, scale and impact (ID14)

Publishing year: 2023

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An artificial intelligence-based system for visual recognition of hazardous particles in an air sample (ID8)

Publishing year: 2023

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Artificial intelligence-based system for product inspection in manufacturing (ID3)

Publishing year: 2023

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Artificial intelligence - based vehicular automation fitted to excavators to automate trenching (ID6)

Publishing year: 2023

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Artificial intelligence software supporting physicians in colonoscopy diagnostic tasks (ID9)

Publishing year: 2023

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Automating cognitive tasks in the workplace using AI-based systems: cases and recommendations. AI-based systems in the workplace

Publishing year: 2023

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Automating physical tasks in the workplace using AI-based systems: cases and recommendations. Advanced robotics in the workplace

Publishing year: 2023

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Cognitive and physical automation in a sawmill production line (ID2)

Publishing year: 2023

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Collaborative robot lifting parts in an automotive and industrial supplier (ID1)

Publishing year: 2023

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Collaborative robot that automates sewing of bags in automotive supplier industry (ID5)

Publishing year: 2023

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Drones inspecting worksites of gas infrastructure operator (ID16)

Publishing year: 2023

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Facilitating acceptance of AI-based systems in the workplace and minimising organisational impact

Publishing year: 2023

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Implementing advanced robotics and AI-based systems for task automation: drivers, barriers and recommendations

Publishing year: 2023

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Multi-axis robots for assembly automation and autonomous guided vehicles in manufacturing (ID4)

Publishing year: 2023

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Robotic system for palletising and depalletising products (ID7)

Publishing year: 2023

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Smart automation to reduce physically demanding work in manufacturing of steel products (ID12)

Publishing year: 2023

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Advanced robotics and automation: implications for occupational safety and health

Publishing year: 2022

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Advanced robotics, artificial intelligence and the automation of tasks: definitions, uses, policies and strategies and Occupational Safety and Health

Publishing year: 2022

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OSH related risks and opportunities for industrial human-robot interaction: results from literature and practice

Publishing year: 2023

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Chances or risks? - Impacts of new technologies and digitalisation on OSH

Publishing year: 2022

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Cognitive automation: implications for occupational safety and health

Publishing year: 2022

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Keyword-based technology radar based on IEEE conference papers on human-robot interaction

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Taxonomy for the classification of AI-based ICT and robotics and OSH impacts

Publishing year: 2022

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Validation of a usability questionnaire for summative evaluation of robotic systems

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Further Information


Unit 2.3 "Human Factors, Ergonomics"

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